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Aphrodite’s Advice: Thriving in a Long Distance Relationship

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Wake Forest chapter.

Welcome to fall semester at the Forest!  One of the biggest hardships of when you go abroad or your SO goes abroad for the fall semester is the change in your relationship from short to long distance. Have no fear, collegiettes! You can still thrive in your relationship.

One of the hardest aspects of a Long Distance Relationship (LDR) is communication. Before your relationship became long distance, you didn’t have to tell stories about your day to your partner because created those memories to together. In an LDR, you have to retell everything! You might feel like you are over-sharing, but I promise you, it will make the distance between you and your SO not feel so far.

Express your expectations for your time apart. Will the relationship be exclusive? Open? Nonexistent? Setting boundaries during your time apart will ensure that both parties will be on the same page. Set expectations for communication. Are you two going to Face time or Skype? When? It doesn’t have to be scheduled on the exact same time every day or week (whatever schedule you both decide on). By planning a specific time and day to catch up, this will keep you two accountable and you both can focus on each other during that allocated time.

Lastly, don’t forget that life goes on! You have your life and so does your SO. Concentrate on your day to day and don’t get caught up in what your SO has going on. Don’t waste a semester or year waiting to reunite.  Go be your best self and take advantage of the here and now!

*Photos courtesy of: http://www.hercampus.com/sites/default/files/2013/12/11/date_5.jpg




Mia Wilson

Wake Forest

Mia Wilson is a senior English and French double major at Wake Forest University. When not in class or studying frantically, she enjoys working out in the gym, catching up on the latest fashion trends and napping. Her hobbies include traveling, her Maltese Nahla and drinking Starbucks. Catch her on Instagram @mwilson__14
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Betsy Mann

Wake Forest