Society has over conditioned us to believe we should compare ourselves to ideals. But ideals are not real, ladies — it’s why we aspire to them. Prior to the social media era, we didn’t have the access to superstardom we have today. The media portrays “perfect families” doing “perfect” things, and living “perfect” lives, when in reality, that isn’t the case. As collegiettes, we are bombarded by #relationshipgoals, and we start to glorify them. Here is why we shouldn’t:
1. Instagram and Facebook are giving you false impressions of reality. We all want to be “that couple,” but, ladies, “that couple” took 5 to 10 tries to get the right take, with the right lighting, and the cutest pose.
2. You and your SO should decide your own relationship goals. Having a direction for your relationship that is based on reality will work wonders for the quality of your relationship. It will eliminate the superficial and allow you and your SO to focus on each other.
3. Really think about the qualities you identify as #goals. Is it commitment? Adoration? Success as a couple? Address what you admire in other relationships, but also in your own relationship. Create or continue those same qualities in your own relationship with your SO. Communication is key. Have your partner offer their perspective so that you can create your own real goals together.
A lot of the #goals out there are cringeworthy. We are who we are, and who you see on social media is human, just like you and your SO.