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Aphrodite’s Advice: Celebrating Love

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Wake Forest chapter.

Ah, yes, Valentine’s Day is coming up soon. For me, Valentine’s Day is day of love, friendship, and over-priced chocolate. For others, it’s a day to celebrate friends and family. Some are just excited to get chocolate, flowers, and maybe a teddy bear from a special someone in their lives. However, this year, I am particularly excited because this will be my first time truly “celebrating” Valentine’s Day with a guy. Of course, growing up my parents would give me a card, some chocolate, and occasionally some roses. This year, I’ll be spending Valentine’s Day with my boyfriend. I can’t wait! He’s promised to cook for me, which is a real treat because he is an incredible cook…

However, I know that this time of year can be tough for many people. Some people might be going through break-ups, while others might be wondering where their Valentine is. So as we approach Valentine’s Day, remember these things:


*Photo from lovethispic.com.

You are loved.

Someone out there loves you or is waiting to love you. You are not alone. There is someone out there who would risk everything for you. Just because you haven’t met that person yet, doesn’t mean you never will.

You are valuable.

Your worth is not, and never will be, defined by whether someone buys you a few roses and some over-priced chocolate. You are valuable because you live and love. Celebrate who you are.



*Photo from smilequotestumblrphotos.blogspot.com

You are unique.

Your smile, your laugh, and the sparkle in your eyes bring happiness to others. As I write this, I picture my amazing roommate. She’s one of the most beautiful people that I know. She has an amazing heart, an infectious laugh, and a beautiful smile. Treat yourself this Valentine’s day because you are special!

This all may seem cheesy, but I’ve found that sometimes the best advice is the cheesiest. Often times, it brings a smile to people’s faces. If you have somethings against the actual Valentine’s Day, that’s cool too. You can totally go out on the 15th of February, buy some of the half-priced chocolate, and treat yourself. But to me, Valentine’s Day has never really been about celebrating with a partner. It has been about celebrating LOVE and the people I love.

*Cover photo from blog.brookehargett.com.

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Lauren Friezo

Wake Forest

Editorial Campus Correspondent. Former Section Editor for News and Content Uploader. Writer for Her Campus Wake Forest. English major with a double minor in Entrepreneurship and Social Enterprise and Women's, Gender and Sexuality Studies. Expected graduation in May 2015.