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A Collegiette’s Guide to Finals Procrastination: The 10 Most Distracting Sites

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Wake Forest chapter.


It’s the most wonderful time of year again—AKA Wake Forest Hell Week: So y’all collegiettes need to hide yo Facebook, hide yo Twitter, and hide yo Insta accounts too ‘cause finals are coming after everybody out here. But actually, boycotting social media doesn’t help because there are millions of other websites out there for you to browse…while wasting the time that is meant for studying.

Luckily I, the princess of procrastination, have provided you with a list of the best distractions to deter you from studying for those pesky exams/writing those tedious papers. Behold, the top 10 websites that will lead you to your procrastinatory demise:

1. Pinterest.com: For all of you “wifeys” out there whose future wedding plans take complete precedence over preparing for that presentation that is worth 50% of your overall grade, “pin” on, girl!

2. Etsy.com: What collegiette doesn’t like vintage shopping and crafting?

3. #WHATSHOULDWECALLME.com: You know those girls that always obnoxiously laugh at their computer screen in the library? Yeah, they’re probably on this site (and that is probably me). I am sure we all can completely relate to these scenarios

4. BuzzFeed.com: Just in case you wanted to know what your name would be if you were a cat or what Chernobyl looks like today.

5. Stumbleupon.com: For those of you who are too lazy to troll the web on your own, procrastination is just a click away.


6. Sporcle.com: This is a rather dangerous site to procrastinate on, but at least it is intellectually stimulating with its thousands of free trivia games, right? It becomes addicting because they make it almost impossible for one to win a game in a record time. Can you name the countries of the world in fifteen minutes? 

7. Someecards.com: What better way to brighten your finals’ week misery than with the humor of the reality of life?

8. Perezhilton.com: Sometimes we need to leave the irrelevant gossip within the Bubble of Wake and resort to the irrelevant gossip of the celebrity world; at least it’s better than reading a textbook.

9. Collegehumor.com: It’s nice to have a little comic relief during finals week. 

10. Foodgawker.com: For all of you food lovers, this one is for you. I present you with an incentive to get through finals week. In just a week, you will be saying “goodbye” to the gourmet food that our fine dining hall offers.  

Commence the procrastination! Good luck on your finals, collegiettes!


*Article by Angela Christiano 

A Communications major and Journalism minor from New Jersey, Ellie has been writing for HerCampus for almost 3 years now. Known for her sassy personality and sunny outlook on life, Ellie prides herself on her confidence and composure- especially when it comes to how she writes! Ellie is the oldest of four girls, and in her free time loves a good book, the beach, and coffee of any variety. An active writer and blogger, Ellie is so pleased to have taken over the role of Editorial Campus Correspondent for HC-WakeForest, and looks forward to another year of lots of HCLove.