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The Dangers of Too Much Cardio

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Wake Forest chapter.

Hey there Collegiettes, 

Cardio. Some people love it. Others hate it. Regardless of whether or not you’re a big fan, it’s hard to deny the many health benefits associated with cardio. In addition to strengthening your heart and increasing your metabolism to help maintain a healthy weight, cardio is shown to reduce stress and help improve sleep. With all these benefits, it’s easy to think that more and more cardio equates to better health, right? Unfortunately, that logic isn’t correct. Too much cardio can actually have a reverse effect on health. 

Doing too much cardio can actually cause a reduction in lean body mass. Loss of lean body mass can lead to a reduced metabolic rate. This is especially frustrating for people who increase cardio in an effort to lose weight. Reduction of your metabolic rate makes it difficult to lose those last few pounds and achieve the toned, fit body that one may desire. 

Excessive cardio can also make you more susceptible to over-use injuries and chronic joint-soreness.  The constant pounding from activities like running can take a huge toll on your body.

So, how can you tell if you’re doing too much? In addition to the signs mentioned above, constant tiredness and lack of energy are big red flags. Also, decreases in strength and speed during workouts, changes in menstrual cycles, and difficulty recovering between workouts are major indicators. If you notice any of these signs, it might be a good idea to change up your work out routine, or give your body a break. Try out the weight room instead, or take a yoga class with a friend! 










Hi Demon Deacons! I'm Caroline and I'm a freshman here at Wake Forest. This year i'll be writing for "Haute and Healthy" and Campus Cutie! 
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Betsy Mann

Wake Forest