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Gettin’ Pumped with Project Pumpkin

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Wake Forest chapter.

So she’s not an actual collegiette, but she’s so well known that we felt like she absolutely needed a Campus Celeb feature before her big debut this Wednesday, October 29th.

We’re talking about PROJECT PUMPKIN!

The fall service event, sponsored by Volunteer Service Corps and Food Lion helps more than 1,000 local children trick-or-treat in a safe and fun environment. To read more about the planning that goes into the event, check out our article “Project Pumpkin: Coming Together, Coming Soon!” 

To make sure all collegiettes can attend this amazing event, we ‘interviewed’ PP to get all the needed info.

When is Project Pumpkin?

Project Pumpkin is a 3-hour event from 3 – 6 p.m. on the afternoon of Wednesday, October 29th 2014.

Where is Project Pumpkin?

Project Pumpkin takes place on the upper Quad — with tons of trick-or-treating booths, carnival games, clowns and food.

How long has Project Pumpkin been around?

Project Pumpkin was started in 1988. This year marks the 26th anniversary.

Do I need to officially be a part of Project Pumpkin or have a booth at the event to attend?

No. Anyone can attend regardless of their involvement with the event. A lot of the fun comes from just interacting with the local children and seeing how much fun they’re having trick-or-treating!

What do I wear?

Whatever you want! Many students do choose to dress up in a full costume, but it’s up to you. A silly hat or tiara is fine, too. 

See you there, collegiettes! 

*All photos from http://projectpumpkin.groups.wfu.edu/index.php.

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Lauren Friezo

Wake Forest

Editorial Campus Correspondent. Former Section Editor for News and Content Uploader. Writer for Her Campus Wake Forest. English major with a double minor in Entrepreneurship and Social Enterprise and Women's, Gender and Sexuality Studies. Expected graduation in May 2015.