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Haute & Healthy: The Pure Barre Sensation

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Wake Forest chapter.


Hey Wake collegiettes! Do you love trendy workouts? Do you want to lift, tuck, and burn your way to your ideal Little Black Dress body?  If you answered yes to any of those questions, then Pure Barre is the place for you! Pure Barre is an all women’s ballet barre class that focuses on lifting your seat, toning your thighs, and burning fat. 

I started doing Pure Barre at home over the summer and was so excited to discover that there’s a studio only half a mile off campus. As someone who detests tedious gym workouts and likes to find my own pace, I find Pure Barre to be the perfect work out for me. It allows me to challenge myself but does not let the progress of everyone else in the class to overwhelm me.

Pure Barre is a fun, energizing workout that focuses on isometric movements in an intense full body focus.  Each exercise is geared towards burning fat in places that women find most difficult to tone: thighs, abs, arms, and seat.  Unlike a routine gym workout, Pure Barre focuses on creating a lean, feminine figure instead of building bulging muscles.  The instructors are encouraging, energetic and are always equipped with a fun new playlist. 

The fast pace 55-minute class alternates between intense isometric exercises and beneficial stretches that target each muscle group being challenged.  Each class gives you a new opportunity to push yourself and yield results that you (and everyone else) will notice after just ten classes. 

You can easily purchase and sign up for classes at https://clients.mindbodyonline.com/ASP/home.asp?studioid=30116.  Make sure to tell them you’re a Wake student so that you may receive a discount. Get ready for an awesome workout, collegiette, and be prepared to work that LBD! 

Hey collegiettes! I'm Arianna and I am a freshman at Wake Forest University. I love all things preppy, but also like to incorporate trends into my wardrobe. I plan to major in communications and possibly minor in French. I can't wait to begin my Her Campus career and hope you enjoy my blog posts!
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Cassie Brown

Wake Forest

Editorial Campus Correspondent. Former Section Editor for Campus Cutie. Writer for Her Campus Wake Forest. English major with a double minor in Journalism and Communication. Expected graduation in May 2014.