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Haynes Werner (’14)

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Wake Forest chapter.

Name: Haynes Alexander Werner
Hometown: Beaufort, South Carolina
Major: Biology
Relationship Status: Single (wink, wink!)
Favorite Spot on Campus: Reynolda Village

Her Campus (HC):  What is one of your biggest pet peeves?
Haynes Werner (HW):  When people don’t capitalize my name in texting or emails, I can’t stand that.  Bad grammar is also a turn off.  I don’t really like nicknames either… wow, I sound like a nerd.
HC:  I guess I shouldn’t ask if you had any nicknames growing up then?
HW:  (laughing) I actually didn’t really have any that stuck.
HC:  So what’s the first thing that you look for in a girl?
HW:  Eyes, always.  Green is the best.
HC:  Who was your Disney Princess crush as a kid?
HW:  Hermione Granger; but I guess she doesn’t really count, so I’m going to have to say Pocahontas.
HC:  What is your least favorite accent that you hear around campus?
HW:  Northern, without a doubt.
HC:  Okay, tell me something that is unique about you.
HW:  Well I’m a twin… My sister goes to UNC (Chapel Hill). She transferred there from Clemson.  I also have my falconer’s license, and my hawk stays in the bio building when I am here [at Wake].
HC:  Both of those are definitely unique!  Why are you and your sister at different schools?  Needed some space?
HW:  We both applied to Chapel Hill and were going to go there together, but then she decided on Clemson and I chose Wake.  She eventually decided to transfer and went to Chapel Hill; she’s a Tri Delt there and really loves it.

HC:  That’s great that you guys stayed close to each other.  So, the other unique fact… Tell me more about falconing! What is your hawk’s name?
HW:  Vesper, she’s a red-tailed hawk, and about three or four years old.
HC:  What started your interest in this sport?
HW:  When I was 12 years old I saw a falconry demonstration and stayed in touch with the falconer through the years.  I got my license when I turned 14, and that’s also when I caught my first hawk; I named her Ground Control and I was Major Tom.

HC:  Great name choice!  You have to trap them, how does that work?
HW:  Yes, trapping is a traditional part of the sport. After trapping, it takes about three or four weeks to train.  The training method I used stressed establishing trust and avoiding negative memories associated with me.  We slowly built trust, and have built a unique bond these past 6 years.  This summer I am getting a Goshawk for duck hunting, and it’s going to take the whole summer to train him because he will be a chick when I get him.
HC:  Sounds intense, have you had any other cool animals growing up?
HW:  As a kid I had a pet raccoon, but other than that just two dogs (golden retrievers).  Oh, I also had a crow too.
HC:  Have you ever been coon hunting?
HW:  No, but I have been shot at by people who have.  That’s a completely different story though.
HC:  You are definitely an adventurous person! How does that play into your career aspirations?
HW:  My dream job would be an exotic vet.  For birds and other wildlife… I think that would be awesome.
HC:  What are four things that you want to do before graduating Wake?
HW:  Tunneling; I’ve already been once, but I want to do that again.  Go abroad, get to the top of Wait Chapel, and go hunting with a professor.
HC:  Where do you want to go abroad?
HW:  I am actually going to Peru this summer with the biology department.  I’m really looking forward to visiting Machu Picchu while I’m there.

HC:  Okay, last question… What is one thing that you would never be caught doing or wearing?
HW:  Well, I would never perform in a play because of my stage fright.  I can give demonstrations with Vesper because all the attention is on her and not me, but I don’t like being the center of attention.  And I would never be caught with my pants tucked into my boots – that is just not a good look for anyone.
*Photography by Karleigh Ash

Jackie Swoyer is a rising senior at Wake Forest University majoring in Business and Enterprise Management, concentrating in Marketing and minoring in Economics. While her collegiate years have been spent in the Carolinas, this aspiring marketer currently calls Cincinnati, Ohio home...although she has spent years moving all over the country and beyond (including a five year period in Europe!). She is currently prepping for a summer internship in the Frito Lay Marketing Division in Plano, Texas, a new stop on her geographical repertoire. An avid reader of all things Her Campus, Jackie also loves to write, listen to Pandora, practice her cooking skills, and find live music anywhere she can.