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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Wake Forest chapter.

Unfortunately, getting sick in college is very common. Close quarters combined with sleep deprivation are a recipe for illness. While sometimes you really just cannot help getting sick, I came up with a few tips to help you stay healthy while in college.

Take Immune Support

Many companies make vitamin C supplements that you can take if you start to feel sick. Some are even ones you can take everyday. These can really help your body fight off illness and keep you feeling great!

Make Sleep a Priority

Not getting enough sleep is a huge contributor to getting sick. Aim for eight hours each night and make it a priority! Repeatedly not getting enough sleep will almost certainly leave you sick.  

Get Your Flu Shot

So many people don’t get their flu shots! This is such an easy way to stay healthy and many college campuses offer them for free. Make some time in your schedule and get your flu shot! 

Don’t Share Drinks 

It is so fun to have all of your friends right by your side 24/7 in college. However, it makes it really easy to pass on germs and sickness. Stay healthy by not sharing drinks with your friends. I swear that is how I got a lot of colds. It’s not worth it! 


photo courtesy of: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/572520171359036584/

Girly girl. Pinterest addict. Actress.
Wake Forest Chapter of Her Campus