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Wake 101: High Top Heist, How to Snag a Tall Pit Table

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Wake Forest chapter.


Is that booth in the corner not for you? Do you want that perfect panoramic view of the Pit? Then it’s high top table or no top —and here’s how you can snatch one!

Step One: Be Sly 
Casually take a lap around the high top tables, eyeing how much food people have left on their plates. This lap is crucial in securing your table trophy. Not only does a Pit serving pace give you time to decide on an entrée, it also gives the seat holders a moment to finish their meal before you approach.
Note: You cannot have a stare-down with a top seat holder and hope that it makes them eat faster. This will only make you and your fellow deacon feel slightly uncomfortable.

Step Two: Analyze the Prey 
Taking into account how much food you noticed in front of your fellow student, calibrate the pace of your laps. If you recall an ample amount of Pit pasta and pizza, take a slow lap, maybe even two. If you noticed close-to-clean plates, make it a quick lap, ponder the Mongolian grill for a second, and then take one more discreet over-the-shoulder scan.

Step Three: When in Doubt, Find a Friend
Scan to see if anyone you know is sitting at one of the top tables. If so, it is definitely time to pounce. Politely ask them how their day is going and, while catching up, gauge whether or not their Pit-sit is wrapping up. If it does not appear to be so, continue to scan your surrounding high top options – with a little bit of luck, one should open up!


In my experience, it takes two very important skills to get your hands on a happening high top – stealth and strategy.  It all comes down to timing and how willing you are to wait for that superb high top seat. If you want it badly enough, you will not fail! Never lose faith in this quick and easy process of how to achieve a High Top Heist. 

Go Deacs! :)
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Cassie Brown

Wake Forest

Editorial Campus Correspondent. Former Section Editor for Campus Cutie. Writer for Her Campus Wake Forest. English major with a double minor in Journalism and Communication. Expected graduation in May 2014.