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What College Girls Cannot Live Without

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Wake Forest chapter.

As Valentine’s Day season comes upon us once again, the mushy-gushy atmosphere of love can be a little overwhelming. Forget boys – there are so many more important items a college girl simply cannot live without. These essentials will brighten your day more than any box of chocolates.
Essential Number One: Starbucks

Freshman Amanda Rousseau truly could not live without coffee. She depends on her morning cup of Joe from Starbucks everyday to make it through her 9 am class.

“I’m an insomniac—I never sleep,” sighed Rousseau. One day Rousseau hit the snooze button one too many times and did not have time to run to Starbucks. She barely made it through her first class before skipping her 10 am to go nap.

“It’s a problem, I’m actually addicted,” said Rousseau. She does not mess around with flavors to weaken the coffee and only drinks it black.

“I have about four or five cups of coffee a day usually, one cup between every class and one before and after, of course,” she said. Rousseau brews Starbucks coffee in her room and noted the convenience of having a Starbucks right in the ZSR.

Simply put, Rousseau has a coffee addiction. Next time you find yourself dozing off in class, order yourself a pick-me-up at Starbucks to make your day a little easier.
Essential Number Two: iPhone

Freshman Maya Brown, on the other hand, is never without her multi-functional iPhone. She has depended on the phone for five years for much more than texting.

“It is my calendar, weather, Facebook, email, and music all in one—I live on this thing,” said Brown. She went on vacation to Italy for a week in high school and was forced to leave her phone at home due to international phone service fees.

“I was constantly reaching for her phone,” said Brown, who recommends the iPhone to every girl in need of an organizer and phone.  “Of all the smart phones on the market it is by far the easiest to use.” 

Forget excessive color-coding in weekly planners to stay organized; go electronic.
Essential Number Three: Jewelry
Freshman Kenzie Heman is attached to her silver charm bracelet. Covered in charms representing symbolic moments in her life, Heman pointed out the intricate Claddagh and diploma charm.

“My dad gave it to me for my middle school graduation, I know that’s a big milestone for everyone,” laughed Heman. The bracelet makes her think of her loving family. She wears the bracelet every day and recommends all college girls wear a piece of jewelry that’s personal to you (or just adds a little sparkle to an outfit) to make you smile.
Essential Number Four: Camera
Freshman Karleigh Ash is a camera fanatic. She has worked with professional photographers and owns a Cannon Rebel XSI camera (a really nice camera).

“I’m an obsessive documenter – I love to look back at captured moments in photos,” said Ash.  “Not to sound cheesy but memories fade and pictures never do.” Ash recommends that everyone should invest in a camera, maybe not a Cannon Rebel, but one that will capture your favorite memories of college so you never forget.

“People know me as the camera girl,” said Ash.  “I am asked to come take pictures of my friend’s event all the time.”
Essential Number Five: Scarves

Personally, I could not survive without my scarves. Knit, black, colorful, paisley, Pashminas, you name it and I have a scarf for the occasion. As soon as the temperature drops below fifty degrees around October, I use the excuse to begin scarf season. The season lasts as long as possible—especially back home in Massachusetts where spring doesn’t begin until May.

Scarves are practical as well as excellent accents for bland outfits or to spice up your neutral winter jackets. While my infatuation may be extreme, I recommend everyone own a handful!

Kelsey Garvey is a junior English major at Wake Forest University. Her upbringing in Connecticut, otherwise known as country club land, inspired her to write in order to escape and locate something more. Writing has also acted as her outlet to dabble in subjects far beyond her my intellectual capacity: art, culture, design, fashion, photography, and music. Other than reading Vogue and Vanity Fair cover-to-cover, Kelsey enjoys frequenting the blogosphere, speaking franglais in daily conversation, and laughing at her own pathetic jokes. Feel free to email her with any questions or comments.