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What HerCampus Exec is Thankful For

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Wake Forest chapter.


With Thanksgiving only a week away, I can almost smell the pumpkin pie and taste the gravy. But Thanksgiving isn’t just a day for eating and drinking; it’s a day to reflect on all of what we collegiettes are thankful for. Here at Her Campus Wake Forest, we’re thankful for a variety of things ranging from our fabulous families and friends to cuddly pets and cheesy Taylor ham and egg sandwiches…So we ask, what are you thankful for? 

                                                                                                         *Image from TheWire.Sheknows.com

Lauren Friezo (News Editor): I am so thankful to be blessed with good health, great friends, an awesome Her Campus Exec team and a loving family that I get to see so soon! I am thankful to have an amazing boyfriend who has been by my side for 4 years. I am thankful for Tobi.com (although my wallet isn’t always), my mom’s lasagna, teachers who have challenged me and helped me grow over the past 3 years, the fact that I am now 21 (YES) and the entire Real Housewives series for never failing to cheer me up on a bad day (but particularly RHONJ).

Christina Sonageri (Style Blog Editor): I am thankful for my wonderful family and my amazing best friends who I have known for practically my whole life. I am thankful to be a Demon Deacon and for the new family I have here at Wake. I am also thankful for Krispy Kreme donuts, Crumbs Cupcakes, and Cold Stone. I am so thankful to be from New Jersey and to be able to eat a Taylor ham egg and cheese very soon everyday for the entire week of Thanksgiving straight. And finally I am thankful for sports and running that allow me to consume all of the other stuff I am thankful for.

                                                                                                              *Image from foodspotting.com

Cary Sellers (News Editor): I am thankful to have had the best college experience here at Wake Forest. I can’t believe I’m on my final round, but it has been a great ride. I am thankful for all of the amazing friends I have made here and the life lessons I have learned. I am also thankful for my wonderful family and my AWESOME dog, Dobby (see photo below). Don’t know what I would do without them. Finally, I am thankful for Parks and Recreation, Scandal, Ryan Gosling, and Henry Cavill. OH, and cheers to no Friday classes next semester!

Cassie Brown (Co-Campus Correspondent): I am first and foremost the most thankful for my friends and family. I am so blessed to be surrounded by such wonderful people who inspire me to be a better person each day. I am also thankful for food – particularly Thanksgiving food – and sweatpants, which I will most definitely be wearing at the T-giving dinner table. I am thankful for my wonderful education at Wake and that I have (almost) survived my four years here. Perhaps the thing I am most thankful for, however, (no offense to Thanksgiving) is that CHRISTMAS IS ALMOST HERE!!!

Taylor Brown (Assistant Treasurer): I try to remind myself every day to be thankful for the amazing opportunities I’ve had in my life so far and I’m thankful for the people who have always been there for me. I feel so lucky to go to Wake (can’t believe I’m over halfway through) and I am so blessed to have friends here that feel like family. I am thankful for the winter season and everything that comes with it: snow, warm fires, hot drinks, and of course all Christmas music.

Sarah Simonetti (Co-Campus Correspondent): Without my family back home, and my new family I have found here at Wake I do not know where I would be, so for that I am thankful. It’s always hard to keep perspective when you have that huge Italian test that you cram for or that 30-page thesis you are staying up all night for. The movie nights on my couch with my roommates, the delicious meals at Village Tavern, and the morning runs to Bagel Station, those are the moments that keep me grounded and I am so thankful for those. I am lastly thankful for everything my parents and brother (and my puppy-at-heart dog) have given me, without their support and guidance I would not be the person I am today.

Kate Jacobsen (Social Media): Each year on Thanksgiving I find myself being more and more thankful for the life that I live. First and foremost this year I am most thankful for my family. They are my support system each and every day and I honestly do not know who or where I would be without them. I am thankful for my education at Wake Forest, and I am thankful for the endless opportunities that I am provided with by attending this amazing school. I am thankful for beautiful sunny days and peaceful nights. I am thankful for smiles and laughter and for the love of friends and family. I am thankful for good health for both myself and my family and friends. I am thankful for the family that I have made here at Wake. I am thankful for delicious food – especially ice cream and chocolate covered almonds. Overall, I am thankful for the life I live and wouldn’t have it any other way.

                                                                                                                              *Image from parents.wfu.edu

Laura Mazurak (Campus Cutie Editor): I’m thankful for ridiculous roommates who dig 50 Cent and soup dates at Panera as much as I do. I’m thankful for the opportunity to spend Thanksgiving with my wonderful, dysfunctional family back home. I’m thankful and excited to see all of my abroad friends who will be back in one short month – yay! With the stress of exams and balancing extracurriculars, sometimes I forget how blessed I really am to be at Wake. But here’s to another year of late nights at the ZSR, Saturday morning pit sits and Reynolda Gardens nature (neature!) walks.

Shannon O’Hanlon (Blog Editor): First, and most importantly, I’m thankful for my family. I try to tell at least one family member that I love them everyday. To me, every day is an opportunity to be thankful for the family I was blessed with. I’m thankful for the constant support and love my Wake Forest family gives me – my friends, teachers, teammates and mentors – y’all mean more to me than you know. And, duh – I’m thankful for another Christmas season, because we barely made it through the last one with the Mayan calendar debacle. 

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Lauren Friezo

Wake Forest

Editorial Campus Correspondent. Former Section Editor for News and Content Uploader. Writer for Her Campus Wake Forest. English major with a double minor in Entrepreneurship and Social Enterprise and Women's, Gender and Sexuality Studies. Expected graduation in May 2015.
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Cassie Brown

Wake Forest

Editorial Campus Correspondent. Former Section Editor for Campus Cutie. Writer for Her Campus Wake Forest. English major with a double minor in Journalism and Communication. Expected graduation in May 2014.