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Binge Watch Recommendation: ‘Peaky Blinders’

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Waseda chapter.

I’m not ashamed to admit that I watch waaay too much TV. Ever since I discovered Netflix, I can’t seem to stay away from all of the binge-worthy shows that they have to offer. More recently during my couch-potato adventures, I came across the gripping and stylish, Peaky Blinders. Following the Shelbys, a gangster family based in Birmingham, England in 1919, this historical fiction series is guaranteed to keep you at the edge of your seat episode to episode. While I usually don’t enjoy watching much of the drug-riddled, cutthroat lifestyle that’s shown in most gangster dramas, the stunning cinematography and phenomenal acting drew me in within moments.


Played by the talented, Cilian Murphy, Tommy Shelby leads the Peaky Blinders in every aspect of the family business but behind his poker face lies the scars from his time in World War One. Determined to practically own the town and expand his empire, Tommy is in a constant battle to handle his family business as well as keep a handle on his own emotional and mental health.

Once you immerse yourself into the life of the Peaky Blinders, it’s funny how the line between good and evil begin to blur. Trust me, I experienced this exact phenomenon. At one point, I found myself cheering for the sharply-dressed gangsters who murdered with a smile and jeered at the police.

 As terrible as this sounds, after some thought, I began to understand why: this show forces you to see the human aspect of each member of the Shelby family. Even the most cold-blooded gangster is given a backstory, which makes judging these characters so complicated. 

Moral questions aside, Peaky Blinders is a great choice for anyone looking for a dark, thrilling and beautifully directed adventure.

 Full of a surprising selection of modern music, the show may also inspire you to make some additions to your playlist. Be sure to check it out!

Thanks for reading! :)

Liberal Arts student obsessed with books, music, movies and all things creative. American, Japanese, and an honorary Canadian.