While having an excuse to lay in bed and watch Netflix all day sounds appealing, getting sick definitely isn’t even remotely fun. Between sniffling so loudly that your roommates knock to ask if you’re alive and being that annoying girl in class who can’t stop coughing, colds and flus are major nuisances at best. Follow these tips to ensure your good health in a wintertime full of illnesses!
1. Hand sanitizer… like all the time: Humans are germy. Bacteria is everywhere. These facts aren’t very sexy but they’re a reality. Most illnesses are spread through human to human contact (and no, not the cute way most people get mono) by just touching things that other people have touched. Especially while at school, we live in such close quarters that it’s essential to keep applying hand sanitizer to kill those germs that are the culprit for getting you sick.
2. Emergen-C: I might be the only one on Earth who feels this way, but Emergen-C is delicious. There’s no excuse not to chug Emergen-C as enthusiastically as you would Gatorade, especially because it boosts your immune system and works as a lifesaver. The trick is to start taking it regularly once you feel you might be getting sick, not when you’re already sneezing up a storm.
3. Catch those ZzzzZzzZs: I might be the most hypocritical person ever for suggesting this as I haven’t gone to sleep before midnight since middle school, but sleep is the key to maintaining a healthy body and letting your immune system heal itself. Nap if you need to- it’s better than overworking your body to the point that it can’t kick your sickness.
4. Understand your limits: This goes along with sleeping a sufficient amount, but you definitely don’t want to overwork your body in general if you are getting sick. We’re not all superwoman. Yes, you can sit out of one of your club’s meetings or stay in one night from Kings. All will be fine, and your body will thank you for it later.