Everytime you walk down the Loop, it takes an immense amount of self control to not go into Ben & Jerry’s for a few scoops of Phish Food. However, on April 14th, self control goes out the window and calories don’t count because it’s the best day of the year: Free Cone Day! Enjoy the warm weather (hopefully, since St. Louis clearly can’t make up its mind about whether it’s spring or not) and take a stroll down the Loop to enjoy a free cone of whichever flavor your heart desires. Between watching your friends attend the event on Facebook and looking at the endless ice cream Instas, there’s no way you’ll be able to resist. Free cone in hand, the flavor combos are endless.
1. Cake Batter & Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough: Two of your childhood favorites mixed together? Yes please. These flavors kill it together because the Cake Batter provides a ton of smooth flavor, whereas the Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough adds some chunkiness. After eating this, you’ll instantly be teleported back to your days of elementary school birthday parties.
Actofrage.com, ww2.woolworthsonline.com.au
2. Peanut Butter Cup & Chubby Hubby: Shoutout to all you peanut butter lovers with this one. With an overload of pretzels and some gooey peanut butta, you’re bound to devour this combo in a couple minutes. The name Chubby Hubby might give you a little food guilt, but it’s freakin’ delicious and that’s all that matters on this glorious day of gluttony.
Playbuzz.com, benjerry.com
3. Half Baked & Phish Food: This one’s for the chocoholics of the world- I feel for you. Don’t get me wrong: this combination is beyond rich and might leave you with a stomach ache after, but is deliciousness can’t be put into words. Fudge brownies, cookie dough, marshmallow swirls, caramel swirls and fudge fish? I’m getting a sugar rush just thinking about it.
Benjerry.com, overlypositive.com
4. Chocolate Peppermint Crunch & Mint Chocolate Cookie: Sometimes you need a refreshing note of mint to complement all that chocolate you’re eating, and this combo gives it to you in a big way. Chocolate Peppermint Crunch brings its A game with its crunchy mint chocolate cookie balls and Mint Chocolate Cookie is smoother with its makeshift Oreos in the tangy peppermint ice cream. Perfect for a sunny day when you’re boiling hot.
5. The Tonight Dough…. alone: Okay, this is technically cheating, but if you don’t think caramel and chocolate ice creams laced with chocolate cookie swirls, chunks of chocolate chip cookie dough and gobs of peanut butter cookie dough isn’t enough….well then you might need to be sent to ice cream rehab. This flavor is a roller coaster on its own and best of all, it features Jimmy Fallon on the tub. Win win.
Cover image via myfreeproductsamples.com