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5 Lessons Carrie Bradshaw Taught Me

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Wash U chapter.

Carrie Bradshaw, although fictional, will always hold a place in my heart due to her attention-stealing style.

However, Carrie also provided me with some advice throughout all 94 episodes and two movies of Sex and the City.

So let’s learn from both Carrie’s mistakes and her successes.

  1. Treat Yourself

Carrie taught me the importance of treating myself, whether it be Manolo Blahnik royal blue pumps or a Big Mac.

2. Be Fearless- In Fashion and Life

“Maybe the best any of us can do is not to quit, play the hand we’ve been given, and accessorize the outfit we got.”

Carrie wore floor-length tutus, baby doll dresses, menswear, and patterns that would make anyone else appear a fool. Her fearlessness in fashion taught me that nothing needs to match or coordinate.

“I’m not afraid of heights. Have you seen my shoes?”

Once you conquer five-inch heels, nothing else is scary.

3. Friends Over Everything

Friends At The Beach Hugging 1
Anna Thetard / Her Campus

“They say nothing lasts forever; dreams change, trends come and go, but friendships never go out of style.”

The one aspect of Carrie’s life that remained stable was Cosmos with the girls.

Charlotte taught me to never settle. Samantha taught me that you can never have too much fun. Miranda taught me that being smart is sexy. Each of these women provided Carrie with constant love and guidance, the only necessities in life. 

Another lesson I learned from Carrie and her squad: friendships and gossip heal wounds.

4. It’s Okay to be Moody

Carrie’s moodiness matches and even surpasses my own. People hurt her, tested her, and pushed her limits, but she never lost herself.

inspired city scape girl hair flip 4
Kristen Bryant / Her Campus

5. Love is Sometimes Overrated

Carrie’s love life always made me feel more confident about my own. Her taste in men was awful, but at least she looked fabulous as she got her heartbroken, over and over again.

Photo by freestocks.org from Pexels

Aliya is an Editorial Intern for Her Campus Media, as well as a member of the Her Campus and Spoon University community at her college. She is a student at Washington University in St. Louis, with a major in American Culture Studies and a minor in Design. When she’s not aggressively snapping ~artsy~ photos or binge-watching films, Aliya is most likely obsessing over absurd fashion trends or perhaps trying them herself.
Jess Greene

Washington '22

Wash U Class of 2022, double major in Psychology and Marketing