While you might not see this week’s Campus Celebrity around school these days, it’s not because she’s skipping class. Believe it or not, she’s teaching class! Everyday this semester, Alex Bearman teaches third grade at the elementary school she attended as a kid – too cute. And as if teaching third graders all day, every day, isn’t a handful, she trains for and runs half marathons in her spare time. On top of that, word on the street is that Alex can roast some mean Brussels sprouts.
Name: Alex Bearman
Grade: Senior
Studying: Elementary Education and Psychology
What did you want to be growing up? I wanted to be an actress because they are fabulous, duh. I also wanted to be a songwriter for a while. I would write songs and then beg my parents to get me an agent. Needless to say, they didn’t. I can still sing the lyrics to my potential number one hit: “Stop.”
What inspired you to want to a teacher? I really had a hard time learning my ABCs, so I want to be there for kids who “can’t read good” like me. But really, I want to be a child forever, so why not teach children forever? It’s the closest to Never Never Land I’m going to get.
What is it about teaching and children you love so much? I always loved school when I was younger. I was the kid who looked forward to going to buy school supplies every year and spent my last week of summer decorating my planner. Teaching is a way that I can stay in that environment as an adult, and help the students I teach love school like I always did. Being around kids all day is the best gig; they are always happy and upbeat and it’s contagious–you can’t help but get goofy with them!
What’s your favorite part about it? Every day I go to school and know that it will be different than it was yesterday. One lesson is never taught the same way twice, so it’s impossible to get bored or sick of teaching. Time flies by, and at the end of every day I can’t believe that it’s over. It seems like there is never enough time to teach everything you plan for a day.
How did you become comfortable in the classroom? I always remind myself that the kids are not there to judge me. I could make a fool of myself in front of 22 third graders, and they wouldn’t think anything of it. Having a sense of humor is the key to success in front of kids; you can’t take yourself too seriously.
Are you a nice teacher or a stickler? Nice!!! Who do you think I am?!
What grade do you want to teach after you graduate? Third Grade – they are the perfect age! I always thought I wanted to be with first graders so I could teach the students how to read, but I have been with third graders for my student teaching and absolutely fallen in love with their age. They are old enough to take care of themselves, but still want to get to know their teachers and be successful in school. What more could a teacher want?
Any advice for other education majors/future teachers? Have fun and try teaching new things!! It’s the best job because you can teach one lesson in so many different and creative ways. Experimenting with new lessons and having them be successful is one of the most rewarding experiences I have ever had. There’s nothing like watching the wheels turn in your students’ heads, and then finally seeing something click. It’s just as exciting for them as it is for you as a teacher.
Do you give out candy ever? Obvi. A little sugar can go a long way.
Anything else I should know? I named my dog Maybe because maybe we would get a dog, and maybe we wouldn’t.