Beyond the Bubble: 5 Current Events Collegiettes™ Should Know
With finals coming up, it’s tempting to turn into a recluse and hide in your favorite study spot. But life goes on outside our beloved bubble, and it’s still important to be well-versed in current events!
- Prison Outbreak in Afghanistan
What:Nearly 500 inmates escaped on Monday from the largest prison in southern Afghanistan. Officials have detained 71 people, but only some match descriptions of escaped inmates. The outbreak has sparked discussion about the efficacy of the government, specifically complacency and possible corruption.
Why:Civilians have fewer reasons to trust the government, especially when events like the death of the Kandahar police chief are considered. After a month of security lapses, some think the Taliban is more loyal to its fighters than the government is to its people. If the government of Afghanistan is unable to mount a sufficient defense against the Taliban, the US may consider a long-term base more seriously. The Taliban is believed to be responsible for Tuesday’s bombing of buses carrying naval employees, which resulted in over 50 people being injured.
2. Syria
What: Violence is escalating in Syria. The conflict arises from opposition of President Bashar al-Assad, who has sponsored opponents of Israel and resisted a peace treaty.
Why: If President al-Assad is overthrown, the Syrian-Iranian alliance would end, as would their support of Hezbollah. It could allow for peace with Israel, but also for the spread of violence to Lebanon. The US must weigh the possible risks and benefits, and decide on the imposition of sanctions, which could help the opposition but also encourage the Syrian-Iranian alliance.
3. The Oil Industry
What:President Obama wants to end tax breaks for the oil industry. With gas prices approaching $4/gallon or higher, it is clear that the industry is profitable enough without the tax breaks. The money gained from ending tax breaks could be invested in alternative energy research.
Why:With summer coming, many are going to be driving to vacation sites or to visit family and friends. A result of keeping the tax breaks may be having lower gas prices were lower, which may be better for us. Oil companies end up writing off about $780 million a year-money that could be spent elsewhere.
4. 2012 Election
What: Gas prices don’t only concern us- it is an issue for President Obama as well. Michael Scherer writes that “a sustained spike in gas prices through the summer of 2011 could be politically costly”. In addition, Ron Paul wants the GOP nomination, something he has sought twice before. Third time’s the charm?
Why:Elections tend to be all people talk about when the big day approaches. Be ahead of the game and know the entire story!
5. Severe Weather
What: So far, 292 tornados have been reported in April alone. A storm system is poised to move in this week, with another system on its heels. While severe thunderstorms, hail and tornadoes are all concerns, the greatest one is flooding. A levee in Poplar Bluff, MO (about three hours south of St. Louis) has been breached already, which forced an evacuation.
Why: It’s best to be prepared for any severe weather. I often find myself dismissing tornado watches because rarely do tornadoes actually hit. In light of the recent damage to Lambert-St. Louis Airport, I am definitely paying more attention to weather alerts. Brush up on your knowledge of tornado myths:
(That idea to open your windows to prevent a tornado from hitting isn’t a great one…)