Are you a nice girl with a nice face? Do you like California boys? Engineers? Wolverine enthusiasts? This week’s campus cutie might not make the first move (chasing pigeons trumps chasing girls any day in his book), but if you’re lucky enough to have a conversation with Chris Levin (an intelligent conversation, that is) he might tell you about his unicycling skills or his impassioned hatred for manatees (sea cows, as he calls them). And if you really want to impress him, be sure to brush up on your Sean Connery impression… If you’re looking for a genuinely funny, absolutely adorable, unusually unique guy who doesn’t take himself too seriously, this campus cutie is right for you.
Name: Chris Levin.
Year: Junior.
Hometown: Pasadena, CA.
Major: Mechanical Engineering, Economics Minor.
On Campus Activities: Sigma Chi House Manager, Thurtene Honorary, Books and Basketball Day Leader.
What did you want to be when you grew up? I wanna be Max Elliott when I grow up. Get it? Cuz he’s tall?
Celebrity girl crush? That’s a tough one. I don’t know! There’s too many pretty girls in the world to choose just one crush.
Celebrity boy crush? Young Sean Connery.
Favorite animal? Wolverines because I saw a cool documentary about them recently, so they’re on my mind.
Least favorite animal? Ugh manatees. I feel like they’re just the cows of the sea and we’re not allowed to eat them. All they do is swim around and eat grass – that’s pretty much what cows do, right?
What qualities do you look for in a girl? I feel like I focus more on faces than most people. Personality wise… I mean, nice people are always better than not nice people, right?
Least attractive quality in a girl? I really don’t like girls who dumb themselves down. Or loud girls.
Favorite movie? In Bruges. And they just put it on Netflix so you ALL can watch it.
Any weird habits? I chase the pigeons on Mudd Field whenever I see them. It’s always a good day when you see pigeons on Mudd Field. I guess I’m just young at heart.
Secret talent? I can ride a unicycle! But I’ve told so many people about that it’s not a secret anymore… but it’s the thing I’m secretly most proud of.