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Primark CFW FallFashion Hero Concept?width=398&height=256&fit=crop&auto=webp&dpr=4
Her Campus Media

Getting Out Of Your Fashion “Comfort Zone”

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Wash U chapter.

We can all get stuck in the same routine no matter what we’re doing. Wearing a different outfit than usual can feel a bit intimidating, but it might just be the perfect way to start your day. Here are some tips on putting a small spin on outfits you already love, or maybe trying something completely different! 


  1. Statement earrings 

Wearing an outfit you already love but still looking for something to make it feel a little more special? Wearing different earrings can give your outfit a very finished look. Even small hoop earrings can make you more put together, and are guaranteed to make you happier when you look in the mirror. 

  1. Layering 

One great way to change your look up a little while also staying warm is layers. Some great examples include wearing a turtleneck under a sweater or t-shirt, a long sleeve t-shirt under a dress, or throwing an oversized jacket over a fancier dress for contrast. Layering is perfect for the fall, and still allows you to wear some over your favorite outfits in the colder months. 

  1. Hair accessories 

Like statement earrings, adding a headband, bandana, or hat can make a simple outfit feel much more put together and make you feel like you’re switching things up a lot when really, you’re just adding an extra element. This is also great for days when you haven’t washed your hair in a while and still want to look cute. 

  1. Use Pinterest or Instagram for Inspiration 

Pinterest is a great way to find new outfit inspiration and figure out your own style. Try making either a pinterest board of outfits you like, or a saved folder on Instagram. Then, as you go through those saved pages, search for patterns: what is one thing you might be able to add to your closet that could switch up your outfits a little? Remember that you don’t necessarily need to buy a ton of new items: sometimes buying a good basic item can open windows for a handful of new outfits. 

  1. Practice! 

Bored after class, or have a little extra time in the morning? Try putting some new looks together. You never really know if you’ll like or dislike a look until you try it out. Don’t be scared to put things together that you’re unsure about; there’s no pressure! It’s all about switching things up and practicing  

  1. Don’t get intimidated — it’s really just clothing. 

It can feel a little scary to wear something new or different outside of the comfort of your room, but I can guarantee that no one cares as much as you may think. People might not even notice! Your outfit should make you feel good, and if it does, the rest isn’t as important. It can be great to get a compliment from a friend sometimes, and if anything, switching up your style might help that, but focusing on how you feel and owning your style feels good regardless of whether or not you’re complimented on it.  

Grace Brady

Wash U '24

Freshman at WashU interested in Creative Nonfiction Writing and WGSS. In my free time I love music, hammocking, playing frisbee, and baking.
breakfast & poetry enthusiast