How to Prevent Sickness
I’m always sick; I’d say about 90% of the time. Therefore I’ve learned some tips/tricks to stay away from illness which is essential at this moment. Stay healthy!
I’ll start with the simple: Wash your hands. All the time.You can’t imagine all the ways germs can end up in your mouth or eyes without even knowing.
Drink fluids. 8 cups of water a day is recommended! I suggest adding some lemon juice in it and maybe some honey if you want.
Exercise/go outside. Staying in all the time is not good for your health, especially your lungs.
Make sure you eat fruit and vegetables. Simple tip, but most people tend to forget to keep a balanced diet.
Drink warm/hot beverages instead of cold. It is better for your throat if you are drinking warmer drinks, and warm/hot water can aid in digestion, circulation, and getting rid of bodily toxins.
Cover your chest area when you go outside. When you are exposed to the cold, you will most likely get sick if your neck/chest is exposed to the wind. Always zip up!
Don’t go outside (in the cold) with wet hair. Cold, wet hair can cause you to catch a cold very easily.
Wear socks/slippers around the house. I find this helpful to stay warm, and therefore helpful to prevent being sick. I recommend fuzzy socks because they’re warm, comfortable, and cute.