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How To Survive When Everyone Around You is Sick

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Wash U chapter.

In case you haven’t heard, WashU redesigned its orientation program for the class of 2023. It was nine. days. long…9 days! We appreciate the effort, but it was truly exhausting, and left everyone sick before school even started. Although I have been fortunate to have avoided the plagues that have gone around the entire school, most people, including my roommate and suite-mates, have not. I’m not exactly sure how I accomplished that, but here are some tips to help you stay germ-free.


1. Wash Your Hands

Let’s be honest, it’s plain gross not to wash your hands after you use the bathroom. Second of all, it takes 20 seconds max to do so. You don’t have to be OCD about it, but wash your hands — A LOT. You never know what’s lurking on door handles, desks, library tables.  You get the idea.


2. Keep a Running Supply of Hand Sanitizer

With the invention of portable hand sanitizer, you literally have no excuse. Keep it in your backpack, your pocket, wherever it fits. Keep those germs off your hands and they won’t get inside your body and make you sick. 


3. If Your Roommate Is Sick, AVOID THE ROOM AT ALL COSTS

If your roommate is sick, give them the room. I know it’s technically your room too, but do you really want to risk getting sick? When my roommate was sick, I would only come back to grab what I needed to do homework then head to BD for the rest of the night to do my work.

Although it may seem like a mean thing, it kept me away from all the germs in the room and gave my roommate the peace and quiet she needed to rest and recoup.


4. Multivitamins Are Your Friend

Take a multivitamin every morning. I truly believe that is one of the main reasons I have not gotten sick. When your body is deficient in certain nutrients, it can weaken your immune system, so supplementing with a multivitamin is a good idea.


5. Avoid Touching Shared Surfaces

Think doorknobs/handles, sink handles, etc, they are a breeding ground for germs. If someone is sick and touches those doors their germs transfer to the door. Try to open it with your sleeve or use the wheelchair button with your elbow if the door is automatic.


6. Hydrate or Die-Drate

Drink water. Not only will it hydrate you, but it hydrates your whole body and helps to flush out your body, including nasty germs. 


7. Electrolytes

Electrolyte drinks have things like potassium and sodium added to them, which help your body absorb water more quickly. I put some in my water every morning and during every workout, and it helps! Also, a great cure for a hangover. 


8. Take Advil or Tylenol at the first sign of sickness

If all else fails, and you do start feeling a sore throat coming on, a fever or a bad headache, start the drugs. Take it at the first sign and you just might give yourself a headstart and knock it out of your system before it turns into a full-blown sickness.


No one likes getting sick, but few things are worse than when you’re sick miles away from home, so my advice is to avoid the plague at all costs.

Stay well!

MacKenzie Larkin is a freshman at WashU. She loves exploring new places and intends to study environmental engineering.
Wash U class of 2021; Majoring in Psychological and Brain Sciences with minors in Art History and Communication Design.