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Jabari Harris 2013

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Wash U chapter.

You may have already heard buzz about this Campus Cutie under his rapping alias Jabari Kiongozi, and through his musical project (DFG) with fellow WashU student Zac Blue. DFG stands for Destined For Greatness and in Swahili, Jabari Kiongozi means valiant leader. Can you think of a more suitable moniker for this talented musician, ambitious entrepreneur, capable chef, and aspiring nudist? I’m joking about that last title, sort of…

Hometown? Dallas, TX.
Studying? Biology. I’m pre-med, but I don’t necessarily want to go to med school. I think there are so many other ways I can impact the world besides directly through medicine. I’m interested in the business side of medicine, like pharmaceuticals.
Activities on Campus? Sammy. I also started this website called bazaarboy.com – it’s basically like Craigslist for college students. Only the beta testing version of the website is running right now; we hope it’ll be fully launched by next semester.
Where do you live? Off campus on Kingsbury – the corner house.
Do you cook your own food? I haven’t cooked much this semester but at home I cook curry chicken. My dad is from the Bahamas, so I cook a lot of Bahamian dishes: conch fritters, conch salad, other seafood meals.
So I hear you made a CD? I’ve been doing music since I was 6 years old, when I started playing the violin. When I got to middle school, I switched over to the saxophone, which I played all the way through high school. Then I was the drum major for my high school marching band. When I got to WashU, there was no marching band and I didn’t want to play my sax in a concert hall, so I decided to focus my musical talents on rapping. I had been rapping since my sophomore year of high school, but I didn’t think I was that good so I kept it to myself and worked at it on my own. Then I decided to buy a microphone two Christmases ago and DFG was born. I love music; I can’t leave it alone. It will always have some type of place in my life.
Who would you want to play you in a movie? I would want to play myself. I’m excited, we’re planning to shoot a video for a song on my mixed tape, “No Games.” But if I had to answer, I guess I would say Elijah Wood because Lord of the Rings is my favorite trilogy.
Most interesting trip you have been on?  I went to Cambridge (England) when I was 13 for an enrichment program. I studied speech, debate and medical sciences. It was a really cool experience.
Favorite meal? I’ll try anything that someone cooks for me.  The weirdest thing I’ve ever tried is probably escargot.  I even like liver and onions.
Big Macs or Whoppers? Big Mac, hands down.
How many times have you been naked in public? Nine…
How do you get your caffeine fix? Energy drinks. I don’t really drink coffee. I like Monster over Red Bull.
How often do you sleep? I’m not a big sleeper. I go to bed usually around 3 a.m.
Most recent movie you saw?  Contagion but I walked out – I just didn’t feel the progression to care enough about the ending.   
Celebrity Crush? It was Kim Kardashian until she got marred and then I lost interest. I’m on the prowl right now.
Tell me about your first job.  I worked at the Smoothie Factory in Dallas when I was 16. A friend who I had met in driving school got me the job. We started working together and mostly fooling around – you know, throwing ice at each other from the ice machine. One day, we got caught on camera having an ice fight and the manager sat us down to discipline us and so I just quit. My favorite smoothie to make was what I called “The Superman,” it was strawberries, oranges, a splash of lemon juice, and splash of coconut. 

Rosa Heyman is a senior at Washington University in St. Louis studying Women, Gender & Sexuality Studies and Writing. She has worked as an editorial intern at Black Book Magazine in NYC and St. Louis Magazine, and for the web editor at Redbook Magazine in NYC. A Rhode Island native, Rosa likes reading, writing, Kate Moss, The New York Times' Modern Love columns, Paolo Pellegrin photography, and roller coasters.