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Linus as told by 19 GIFs

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Wash U chapter.

1. You stare at your closet full of dresses that you ordered online and you still aren’t satisfied with your options


2. You settle on the one that makes you the least disappointed when you think about how it’ll look in pictures


3. You arrive at the arranged meeting place and realize someone’s sister/brother/family friend/prefrosh is inevitably visiting for the occasion so you put on your friendliest face


4. You realize there is a 0% chance you and your friends will get your act together in time to catch the bus by the Loop


5. Naturally, you strike up a conversation with a cab driver by the Clock Tower and you end up stealing the cab from someone


6. Somehow, the 15-minute cab ride comes out to $28.50 and no one in the car has cash but they swear they’ll “Venmo you like right away”


7. You make the rounds reuniting with all the people you saw approximately 2.4 hours ago


8. You compliment a substantial amount of people you don’t even know on how pretty they look


9. No less than 30 minutes into the night, you end up in the ridiculously crowded women’s bathroom


10. You briefly consider going into the men’s room…


11. But a wise eavesdropper advises you against it


12. By the time you get back to the dance floor it’s impossibly slippery, but you don’t think much of it at first


13. Until you wipe out. Twice. Okay, three times.


14. You can feel the kind boy who helped you up (all three times) judging you, but you’re already over it (mostly)


15. You check your group chat, which consists of 97 “where r u” texts


16. Three wipe outs, four bathroom trips, five photo booth attempts, and who knows how many balloon animals sightings later, you decide it’s your time to peace out


17. After a pit stop in BD or the Village, you walk back to your room barefoot and vow to sleep the weekend away


18. With only a punny Instagram caption (and several blurry photos) to show for it, spring Linus 2015 is already over


19. Until the fall, Linus. 



Article cover photo via Facebook.com

Rachel is a junior in Olin Business School at Washington University in St. Louis. When she's not using her status as a twin as her obvious fun fact, she'll probably tell you that she loves photography, concerts, travel, Buzzfeed, and slaving over clever Instagram captions.
Sydney Davis is a senior at Washington University in St. Louis majoring in Film & Media Studies and minoring in Writing. She loves running, exploring new cities, fashion, boating, and most importantly, Whole Foods.