The leaves are on the ground, the weather is turning brisk, and the puffy winter jackets are starting to come out… Thanksgiving Break is almost here! Most of us are going home to celebrate with our families, meaning that we will have tons of errands to do over break! In the few days you have at home, here are some essential things to do that will keep you busy.
1. Catch up on sleep
With the seemingly never-ending amount of midterms on everyone’s plate, many of us have had to sacrifice sleep for the sake of our work. But not to worry, Thanksgiving will provide you with the perfect opportunity to catch some z’s! The best part is, you won’t have to worry about noisy roommates or waking up in time for class!
2. Groom and beautify!
In your work-induced stress, you’ve probably been neglecting your personal grooming. Take this opportunity to make your waxing and hair cut appointments and treat yourself to a mani/pedi! You’ll come back to school looking and feeling great.
3. Hang out with old friends
Keeping up with friends from high school can be difficult during the year, so make sure to spend some quality time with them over this break! Share your best college stories over dinner, or have a fun girls’ night in with your favorite movies.
4. Eat!
With Thanksgiving comes food! Indulge in whatever your family’s Thanksgiving feast may be (I’ve got my sights set on my mom’s pumpkin pie) and enjoy home-cooked meals while you can! As high quality as our dining is at Wash U, we all are a little sick of it by now.
Have a happy Thanksgiving, HC readers!