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Make or Break Your Break

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Wash U chapter.

Fall Break is right around the corner, and if you’re like me, you are ready to get away from WashU for a little while. Unfortunately, we aren’t given much of a break (who has classes on Fridays anyways?) and so it is ambitious to travel far away – if anyone is leaving the continental US, I salute you. We at Her Campus believe it is important to know the proper travel etiquette when we leave St. Louis, even if we are only going to Chicago or Memphis.  Here are some tips to uphold your poise and grace on your expeditions this weekend. (But if you are venturing overseas to Nepal, for instance, and want to know the protocol for stepping over someone’s outstretched legs, come find me.)

  1. Pack up everything you want to bring, and then cut the amount in half. You don’t need all that stuff! It’s only a three-day weekend, and no one wants to wait for you as you shuffle twenty feet behind them, sweating, and lugging your duffel bag. Not cute.
  2. Pack basic apparel – shirts, jeans, boots – and then bring accessories, like scarves and jewelry, to make each outfit distinctive.
  3. Don’t trash your hotel room – it’s embarrassing. We are not Charlie Sheen, nor do we want to be. Clean up after yourself, and if you are feeling less poor than usual, leave a tip for the maid.
  4. If you are hitching a ride with someone (note: not a stranger, we do not endorse that), then help pay for the gas. It’s only fair. You get to sit back and roll the windows down, while they have to actually pay attention to the road and the other drivers.
  5. Things that look stupid no matter what city you’re in: going out to dinner as a group and being on your cell phone constantly. I know that I do it, but I hate that I do it. Who could we possibly be texting? Chances are we are sitting with the people we text the most. Just put the cell phone down.
  6. As cheesy as it sounds, always try to maintain an upbeat attitude. You will receive better service and have a better time. Even if the trip includes an unexpected adventure (say, you’re at a fraternity formal and the entire group gets kicked out of the hotel), you’re still somewhere new and exciting! Make the most of it. 
Rosa Heyman is a senior at Washington University in St. Louis studying Women, Gender & Sexuality Studies and Writing. She has worked as an editorial intern at Black Book Magazine in NYC and St. Louis Magazine, and for the web editor at Redbook Magazine in NYC. A Rhode Island native, Rosa likes reading, writing, Kate Moss, The New York Times' Modern Love columns, Paolo Pellegrin photography, and roller coasters.