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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Wash U chapter.

With the holiday season and winter break coming up, I figured it would be a good idea to recommend some of my favorite movies that put me in a good mood during this time of the year. Here are some of my favorites, along with what they’re good for!

1. Any of the Home Alone movies — for if you want some mischief and a good laugh

2. Elf — for some laughs and feel-good feelings

Will Ferrel Jump GIF
New Line Cinema / Giphy

3. The Princess Switch — for when you’re feeling a cute and cheesy Netflix-style romance (the 2nd movie also just recently came out!)

4. Let it Snow — for some ~aesthetic romance~ and multiple storylines

5. Frozen 1 & 2 — for if you don’t celebrate Christmas or want to sing Let It Go at the top of your lungs for the millionth time

Walt Disney Animation Studios - \"Frozen 2\"

6. Any version of the Grinch movies — for if you want a classic

7. The Polar Express — for the childhood nostalgia (must wear PJs when watching)

8. The Nightmare Before Christmas — for if you’re not over Halloween just yet


Casey is a student at Washington University in St. Louis, studying Psychology with a minor in Design. Aside from her love for pasta and Netflix-binging, she will most likely do ~anything for the aesthetic~.
Jess Greene

Washington '22

Wash U Class of 2022, double major in Psychology and Marketing