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Original Illustration by Gina Escandon for Her Campus Media
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Wash U chapter.

Coping with Quarantine 

We are all struggling with the Coronavirus pandemic, and it can get really boring if you just end up sitting inside all day, everyday for who knows how long. Here is a list of things to do in isolation (other than the classic Netflix suggestion)– hopefully it’ll inspire you to do something new.


  1. Go on a walk/bike ride to somewhere you’ve never explored before. Since not many people will be outside, you’ll have quiet time to do some self-reflecting. Also, if you don’t want to be alone, bike riding is an activity you can do with a friend 6 feet apart ;).


  1. Drive to an empty parking lot with 4-10 friends, back your individual cars into a circular shape, and sit in your trunks while blasting music, talking about your lives, or even dancing! You can even bring/order food and have lunch/dinner all together! I suggest parking somewhere with a view, and bringing a blanket.


  1. Learn an instrument. I love to sing in my free time so I like to play the ukulele (it’s fairly cheap to buy online and easy to learn simple chords and songs, also online). However, since my ukulele is still stuck in my dorm room in Missouri due to the virus, I started picking up piano, which I discovered covered in dust in my basement recently. It’s another instrument that is perfect to sing along and learnable with a little practice. It’s a fulfilling way to spend your time indoors.


  1. Revamp your closet/create new outfit combinations. Since 95% of my wardrobe is also stuck at college, I had to find new ways to spice up an outfit, without wearing the same thing everyday. I started cropping old crewnecks and trying different pairings of clothing together that I would never usually wear, in hopes of finding something new and stylish. 


  1. Re-decorate or rearrange your room. Repainting your walls if possible would be a fun activity to change up your room (this really applies to me since my bedroom walls are still pink from when I was 8 years old). Another idea would be hanging up tapestries/artwork/lights to fill up and decorate the walls, or rearranging the furniture so that you basically have a new room!


  1. Learn how to do your makeup and hair differently. I started experimenting with hairstyles and makeup trends, which made it fun to take selfies. I discovered how to use hair accessories like bandanas and dainty clips, and I found a handful of hairstyles that I love and will be wearing out soon enough!


  1. Learn tik tok dances. This one can seem like a joke, but it is actually fun! I started learning (which I found impossible at first) and my mood immediately boosted after I could actually do the dances on my own. It became a form of exercise, and I felt proud of myself for learning them!


  1. Find new recipes and experiment with cooking/baking. Since you can no longer eat out and take-out can be considered dangerous, this quarantine is perfect for cooking and baking! I recently made dinner for my family and the feeling of pride that you feel after is incredible. The compliments and royal treatment you receive after is nice too…


  1. Take up yoga! Since the gyms are closed and I am in no way shape or form a runner, I realized I needed to find a new way to exercise. Yoga seemed like the perfect fit, and I started doing it in my living room or backyard while following a simple YouTube video. I highly recommend it because it was perfect for relaxation and putting me in a good mood for the rest of my day.

Emily Cheng

Wash U '23

I am a student at Washington University in St. Louis studying Marketing and Psychology with a minor in Design. I love to write food, fashion, and lifestyle articles.
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