If you’ve ever heard a loud (pleasantly) and infectious laughter roaring across campus, chances are you heard Chantal Strasburger’s. Not only does she have a striking laughter, but my-oh-my this girl has got style! Candy to the eyes and ears. Chantal is undoubtedly one of the most stylish people on campus. Her style is colorful, classy, bohemian, chic, lady-like, preppy, urban, and casual. Yes, she is all of those things. And yes, I may have a tiny girl crush on her. Lucky for me, I had the opportunity to interview this exquisite second-year art student! (Can we just pause for a minute and marvel at the fact that Chantal is actually wearing CHINA, and totally rocking it?)
How would you describe your style?
C: Hmm… There really is no one word. It depends on a lot of things like weather, mood, what’s in my closet, etc. But I like wearing one-of-a-kind things that you have to hunt for. I guess if I had to describe my style I’d say bohemian with a modern touch? Oh, and I love mixing leather with floral!
Who are some of your favorite designers?
C: I love Marc Jacobs. I also love Dolce & Gabbana even though I don’t own many of their clothes. It’s just so timeless and beautiful. And although it’s not really a designer, I love Topshop. I literally love everything in Topshop!
Who’s your fashion icon?
C: This may be a stereotypical answer, but I have to say, my mother. She has an amazing shoe collection! I myself am not a big shoe person, but just growing up and seeing what she wears really influenced me.
What do you like to do in your free time?
C: When the weather’s nice, I love going to Forest Park. I love going to Kayak’s and sitting there and eating lunch with my friends. When it’s really nice out I like taking the food out and eating at Art Hill. I could just die there. I love it! Obviously, also catching up on TV shows like Glee and 30 Rock.
Well, because I’m in the art school I’m never completely free. But, I really enjoy just listening to music and working on my projects in the art school. Going to the gym is always nice but I haven’t done that in ages… Oh, but what I really really enjoy is spending time with my friends.
What are your top 3 favorite places to go in the world?
C: Whoa, in the world? That’s hard… Number one: Tibet. I went there last summer after I finished the study abroad program in Shanghai. It was literally the most beautiful place in the world. So breathtaking. Number two? I’d have to say England, specifically Winchester. That’s where I grew up and where my grandparents live, so I just really feel at home there. For me, Winchester is more like a nostalgic/what I miss kind of a favorite place. Three? Probably Austin, Texas. You never really realize how great a place is until you leave. Austin’s home for me, and coming to college made me realize how amazing it really is—all the great places to go and eat and the weather.
Where do you think you’ll be in ten years?
C: Oh gosh… I don’t know… Since I study Chinese and Art, I think it’d be great to combine those two and do something in China. I’m planning on studying in Hong Kong next spring and study sculpture there, so that will also help me see my future. In the end, I just want to be traveling and experience new things. So, in ten years I hope to be somewhere new! Hopefully not something boring like in a cubicle working nine to five…
What are you passionate about, both within school and outside of school?
C: I’m really passionate about Art. I know that sounds very general, but I just love Art. I love going to the Saint Louis Art Museum and just looking at all the paintings there. I’m really into Renaissance art (I’m not a big modern art fan), I love all the beauty and romance in it. Boticelli. I’ve been in love with Boticelli ever since I was very little. When I went to the Uffizi gallery in Florence and saw The Birth of Venus in real life, it actually changed my life. I even wrote my college essay about it! I’m also, as I’ve said before, passionate about traveling. There is just so much out there!
What makes you happy?
C: The weather affects me greatly, so if it’s cold and miserable, I feel down. The sun makes me really happy. So when it’s sunny and nice out, I really love just being out in Forest Park and being “one with earth”(laughs).
What do you love about yourself?
C: Hmm, I think I appreciate my willingness to try new things the most. I wasn’t always so open-minded. Of course, I sometimes still like being in my comfort zone, but I love that I am really open to new things, new places, new people, new things to eat—just new experiences. I love my spirit of adventure. Also, coming to college has made me a very social person. I like that I’m, in a way, confident enough to talk to new people and make new friends.