It has been almost one year since I stepped on a plane to go to Santiago, Chile, for almost seven months to study abroad. It was the only time I’ve cried in an airport (I cried like a baby. So did my mom). I’ve been back in the states for less than six months, and I still find my abroad experience to be indescribable. I can’t begin to think about all the new things I tried, the places I saw, and the random Chilean words I learned. I am a huge advocate for going abroad, no matter what you study, no matter what languages you speak. Hopefully, this short list inspires some non-believers. If not, YOLO! Hasta pronto.
- A Lil’ Break From WashU
Almost every student at WashU is in love: in love with the campus, with their friends and their classes. We are a happy, smart, peppy crowd, and most of us are so sad to graduate and leave this great bubble of a world. But, let’s be honest…things start to get a little monotonous after eight straight semesters. So why not take a break for a few months? You can still surround yourself with great WashU students if you choose (depending on your program), but in an AMAZING new country!
- Food. Drinks. Sexy Men
Okay, sexy women too. This was my favorite part of going abroad (all three things). Everything seems exotic in a different country, even if you’ve tried it before in the States. Yes, you can drink jars of red sangria at Barcelona Tapas Restaurant…but you can also drink them in Barcelona. Like, the real city in Spain! Being in a new country gives you every excuse to try new foods and drinks, and trust me, everything tastes freaking amazing (be prepared for a weight gain, sorry gals).
- Travel
Whether you go abroad to South America, Europe or Asia, travel is almost always easier than in the United States. Trains, buses and airplanes are all cheaper, faster, and more popular in the rest of the world, and you will have no excuse not to go to at least three different countries during your semester abroad. Also, if you’re lucky, you will have friends studying abroad in other countries, so you can visit them and stay for free! Not to mention you will see some of the most beautiful sites you have ever seen.
- Language and Culture
Even if you go to England (or any other of the various English speaking countries in the world), you will still experience a culture shock. A culture shock is good. This means you have breached your comfort zone and you are ready to absorb new information and are open to new experiences. If you choose to study in a foreign language country, you are almost guaranteed to come out bilingual (or close to it). Take this opportunity to use the Spanish or French you have been learning since the 7th grade!
- New Friends
This could go in the sexy men/women category, although sexy doesn’t necessarily matter for building friendships. I made great friends abroad, some natives, and some fellow Americans.  You will always keep in touch with these friends because they share such important experiences with you. Being away from your best friends for a whole semester is a little scary, but don’t forget that the world is filled with men and women who want to be your friend (except the angry old man on the subway that hates Americans).
- “Holy Shit, I Forgot How Great You Are!”
It’s hard to keep in touch with everyone while you are abroad, especially without your iPhone (how can you communicate if you don’t have emojis?!). It may be hard to think about while you are thousands of miles away in your little twin European bed having FOMO, but just remember that you will come back and be welcomed by everyone as if you had never left. Maybe you’ll be even cooler because you’re world traveled. Maybe you’ll get a welcome back party with a piñata.
This phrase may be overused, but it never lacks to describe my exact emotions at any given time. People always talk about traveling after college, but this could be harder than it sounds. Where will that money come from? What if you start your job in June or July? Traveling during college is usually the same price as college tuition, plus some extras. Scholarships even transfer to WashU abroad programs. So, why take the risk and put off this great opportunity? You Only Live Once. Get on a plane. Go.Â
Image courtesy of Amazing Architectures