For my whole life, I have been someone who wakes up at 7:45 am on their own. My days start hours before some of my friends, but I have learned to appreciate that my body is able to wake up this early. Although, this positive feeling was not always the case. I used to be envious of my friends who could sleep till 11 am at sleepovers or wake up and have it already be lunchtime. But, as time has gone on I have begun to love my morning routine and the fact that my body can naturally wake up early on its own.
I genuinely believe that my brain works best in the morning. This is why I am in the smaller percentage of college students who would happily pick an 8:30 am class. I am more focused, more productive, and have more hours in the day. On the weekdays where I do not have an early class, I still try to wake up around 8 am so I can get my work done and fit in a morning walk to get coffee. I think being able to start your day off early is a great habit to achieve. College may provide an environment where sleeping late is promoted, but this will only be a short-term situation. In the long term, it is best to be used to waking up early.
I highly recommend attempting to change your schedule to be able to wake up early and start your day off right! It gives you more hours in the day, a productivity boost, and prepares you for the years ahead of waking up early for work.