If you haven’t already noticed from the slew of political ads and campaign posters, there’s an election on November 6th. Like many college students, you might be voting with an absentee ballot. If you haven’t already, mailed it immediately! For everyone else that’s voting at the polls in Missouri this Tuesday, here is a list to make sure you have an easy, breezy, election day.
Get educated
This election, there’s more at stake than just Senate and House candidates. There are also different initiatives such as raising the minimum wage and even one to lift the state restrictions on Bingo. To learn more about these propositions, visit Vote Save America’s voter guides!
Figure out WHEN you will go vote
Unfortunately since Missouri does not have early voting, polls are only open on Tuesday November 6th from 6am-7pm. Plan ahead and set a reminder for when exactly you will head to the polls! Remember, if you are in line by 7pm then you have the right to vote!
Figure out WHERE you will vote
Luckily, WashU will be having an on-campus “Party at the polls” event on election day! There will be snacks, giveaways and people there to answer any last minute questions. For those of Vote Save America or Vote411 to find your polling location.
Make sure you have your IDs!
Missouri does have voter ID requirements, so it is important to have all the correct documentation because you go. Vote Riders has a complete list of acceptable forms of IDs to vote in Missouri. There will also be people at the Party at the polls event who can answer any last minute questions!Bring a friend
Remember if we vote, we win!
By Sophie Taibl