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7 Ways to Conquer the Winter Cold

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Washington chapter.

The cold can hit any of us at any time and sometimes it’s just not the right time! With midterms lurking around the corner, there’s no time to be burdened with an inconvenient sickness. Here are a few tips to alleviate your symptoms and get you back out there.

1) Get lots of rest.

 Tell your friends no when they ask to hang out late and maybe even skip your 8:30 to soak up a few extra hours of sleep. Your body heals while it’s sleeping! Don’t fight those droopy eyelids when you’re feeling under the weather.

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2) Drink fluids!

While water is preferable, make sure you’re drinking something to replenish all the things your losing while you’re fighting this nasty cold. Try vegetable juice to combat the sickness if you’re really desperate. Try and avoid store bought sodas and juices, the added sugar can weaken your immune system!

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3) Pump your system with probiotics

Eat cultured foods or try a supplement to circulate your digestive system. This will repopulate the healthy bacteria in your stomach and ease your digestive system. This is not only something that’s beneficial while you’re sick but when made a long term habit, probiotics can improve your health in general. Try picking up some of Seattle’s own Ellenos Yogurt at your local QFC or Safeway!

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4) Stay Warm and Dry

Obviously this situation will not be bettered by spending an hour waiting for the bus in the pouring rain. Make sure if you must go to lecture, bundle up and stay warm and dry as to not aggravate your already inconvenient symptoms.

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5) Make sure to blow your nose often

If you are constantly sniffling and swallowing your noses excretions, you are basically swallowing your sickness. Make sure to blow the sickness out!

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6) Add moisture to the air

Ok not everyone has a humidifier laying around but if you do it’s time to bust it out. An alternative option would be a steamy shower. Steam moisturizes your nasal passages and relaxes you. Personal tip, you can imitate a humidifier by turning your faucet to hot and covering your head and sink with a towel in order to trap the steam and imitate humidity.

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7) Sleep with an extra pillow under your head

The angle will help in clearing your nasal passage ways. Create a gradual slope to help with your sick induced low quality sleep schedule.

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