Hello, and welcome to our first tarot session. My credentials? Well, I bought a tarot set from Urban Outfitters when I was 18 and since then, have used it to dictate whether I should get some late-night boba or not (somehow, it always says I should- I wonder why, hm. . .). Of course, do not take anything here too seriously. These are just my interpretation of the cards, so really, this is just for fun for you and me!
So, how this works: grab a coin. With each prompt, flip the coin (three prompts; flip three times separately), and whichever side it lands on will lead you to your designated tarot card. With every tarot reading, pick what resonates, and whatever doesn’t, doesn’t. I also shuffle the cards with each prompt, guaranteeing (or, at least, that is my intent) that each prompt will provide different insights. The coin in your hand adds an extra level of spontaneity to your reading. Let’s begin!
Prompt #1: “What is next to come in your love life?”
Heads: Upright King of Wands The King suggests that you have a personality that attracts people and opportunities to you. Meanwhile, the wands’ association with fire links this to your passion, inspiration, and energy. Basically, you’re hot stuff, but your effortless magnetic quality doesn’t necessarily mean you have to wait idly for the moment when this person comes up to you. It implies you need to be the one to take the first step, and with your personality, it will probably work in your favor. Expect to take the initiative in your love life in the fututre.
Tails: Upright Eight of Cups The number 8 suggests balance, while cups are associated with water, reflecting emotions and creativity, but also unpredictability. In some ways, they are opposites, so bringing the number and symbol together brings a unique reading. You’re a little ambivalent, and maybe you need to sit and think about how you want to balance your emotions with a partner. However, you could do both; bringing up emotions in a romantic relationship is a great way to practice communication, as well as understand how your emotions impact you and your relationship. What is likely to come is reflection, and if done right, it could end up very well.
Prompt #2: “What would be a good type of first date to go on with your intended partner?”
Heads: Upright Hierophant The Hierophant is the High Priestess, but as a dude. It emphasizes tradition and stability. Basically, let’s try skydiving for a different date instead. Keep it simple yet sentimental- maybe a date on campus would be kinda cute, or maybe bringing your date to a place you know and love. Just don’t try to rush the process of getting to know this person- enjoy it!
Tails: Upright Seven of Swords This is a mischievous card; it is also known as “The Thief.” It’s essentially the opposite of the Heads reading- go crazy, rah! Try going to a rave or a concert- somewhere semi-dark where you can express yourself as wildly as you can. Maybe you guys will be too busy to bond while bumping into music, but it’s fun, and that’s all that matters. Just be aware that while you’re being expressive, you may still have some hesitation with this person- is this the one, or just a fling?
Prompt #3: “When there is a problem between you and your partner, how do you solve it?”
Heads: Queen of Wands in Reverse Similar to the King of Wands, this is an authoritative, fiery sign that implies both of you are hard-to-budge people with big egos. When you guys disagree, it will probably take a while to come to terms, whether it be playful or dire (like, is it CAR-amel, or CARE-amel?). For a serious disagreement, I would suggest calming down before having a discussion with your partner. This is important; both parties must put their self-interests aside for the greater good of the relationship. And, maybe you should think twice before ranting to your friends- at least try some dialogue before getting on a two hour facetime rant with someone outside your relationship.
Tails: The Fool in Reverse Y’all overthink too much. By overthinking things, you can look a little, well, foolish. When I say overthink, I mean, “Why is there a blonde, 14-inch strand of hair in your car’s cupholder? Are you cheating on me?!” Instead of letting those worries pile up, regularly check in with each other so you can avoid that awkward angry tension that could happen in a big argument- it’s already emotionally draining for both of you guys, so no need to blow it out of proportion. In the end, y’all are probably gonna laugh about it anyway.
Alright, that concludes this quick love tarot reading! Again, whatever resonates, resonates, and whatever doesn’t, doesn’t. But seriously, love is about intuition and trust (amongst a whole lot of other things), so don’t dictate how you manage your relationship over a silly tarot reading. At best, it’ll give you insight on yourself and your choice of partner.
In my opinion though, a Gal-entine’s is way more fun anyways.