I’ve been doing the same 5 mile walk every morning for the past 2 months in order to help maintain my sanity. I stroll on a path along Santa Monica Beach with nothing but my mask across my face and the podcast Crime Junkies blasting in my headphones (10/10 would recommend, by the way). When I first began this ritual, there were never really a lot of people around. Everyone was taking social distancing seriously, and I found comfort in knowing that the well being of others was at the top of everyone’s priorities.
However, this didn’t last long.
On yesterday’s walk, I had to constantly adjust my path in order to avoid massive groups of people. Although the actual beach is closed, the lawns that separate the streets and the sand were flooded with groups playing frisbee and rejecting the 6 feet apart rule. When I got home, I opened Snapchat to stories of people from my high school hanging out at someone’s house, swimming and hugging one another. CNN blasted reports on public protests in Orange County where people held picket signs reading “My Body, My Choice” in regards to wearing face masks in public.
The virus is not gone just because your respect and concern for others is.
Don’t get me wrong; I don’t enjoy being stuck in my apartment just as much as the next person. My friends, clothing stores, workout classes, beaches, and cafes are just a handful of places and things that I can’t wait to be reunited with. However, I’m aware that these luxuries are not at the same level of priority as the lives of those who are most vulnerable.
In this day and age, the multitude of ways to stay connected with others is more advanced than ever: social media, texting, FaceTime, Zoom, and even Netflix Party (also 10/10 would recommend). The flood of fitness gurus online provide amazing workout programs that will make you sweat just as much as a Soul Cycle class. Online shopping can pass the time like nothing else, and the wait for that package gives you something to look forward to. These types of outlets make staying inside very doable, even if it’s not the most ideal situation. I know that you’re aware of all of these outlets, but I’m reiterating them to show that they’re still an option. They didn’t suddenly vanish because we don’t feel like relying on them anymore.
Failing to no longer embrace these resources is a big middle finger to not only the vulnerable populations, but the essential workers that are risking their lives everyday to help others. Next time you think about hanging out with your friends, take a moment to think about people like them. This fight is not over, and we’ll only get there if we realize that the rules still apply to us. No one is above this.
By the way, if you still choose to ignore the rules, try not to post it on social media. It’s not a cute look. You look like a clown, sis.