We’re all in need of a smile! Check out these ten carpool karaokes.
Adele – need I say more? Adele sings along to the Spice Girls and she raps to Nicki! Could she be more amazing?
Demi Lovato and Nick Jonas
For the twenty-something Disney fans, this is as close as we’re going to get to a Camp Rock reunion these days! Get some answers to the Miley-Nick-Selena dating triangle and what DNCE’s “Cake By The Ocean” is really about.
Jennifer Lopez
J-Lo, Jenny from the Block…She slays! Not only does she re-create a music video and sing beautifully in Spanish, but James decides to prank Jennifer by texting Leonardo Dicaprio! Check out DiCaprio’s reply on this Carpool!
Lady Gaga
It’s almost difficult to believe that Lady Gaga’s voice is that powerful! A beautiful singer and dancer, she confesses which one of her mega-hits took only ten minutes to write! Also, for the first time on Carpool Karaoke, the artist drives James around. #GagaPassedHerDrivingTest
A powerhouse in her own right! Sing, Sia, sing! It seems that Sia is has some secret talents; watch this video to find out how Sia balances twelve eggs in her hands and why Sia does not expose her face.
Jennifer Hudson
We fell in love with J-Hud on American Idol. These days, she is as incredible as ever! Did you know Jennifer used to work at Burger King? Watch her belt out a burger order, somehow making “cheeseburgers” sound heavenly!
Gwen Stefani…and George Clooney and Julia Roberts
Want to know what “Hollaback Girl” is about? Unfortunately, we’ll never find out. But, hearing George Clooney and Julia Roberts sing “B-A-N-A-N-A-S” definitely makes up for it!
Michelle Obama and Missy Elliot
This was a carpool I never knew I needed! Watch the First Lady rock out to Stevie Wonder and Beyoncé.
“We were making honey (in the beehive) to put in our lemonade!” – Michelle Obama
If you’ve ever imagined what it’d be like to see Missy, Michelle and James singing along to “Get Your Freak On, you’ll absolutely love this Carpool!
Selena Gomez
A rollercoaster, ginger shots, McDonalds and “secret Taylor-Swift squad” meetings? What more could you ask for in a Carpool?
If you’ve ever been involved in musical theatre, this carpool will keep like a trip down memory lane. By far, one of the most amazing vocal experiences ever! Warning: you might get addicted to watching the very last song over, and over, and over again! #BroadwayGoals
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