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10 Promises We Make Every Term That We Inevitably Break

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Waterloo chapter.

1. I swear I’m going to do groceries.


*begs mom to pack food*


2. I swear I’ll only drink one coffee a day.


A latte isn’t that caffeinated right?


3. I swear I’ll submit my assignments on time.

That regret you have when leave it for the night before


4. I swear I won’t wear sweatpants on campus.


*Wears a new pair of sweatpants everyday*


5. I swear I’ll pay attention in class.

*Daydreams about tacos*


6.I swear I’m going to keep my room/apartment/dorm clean.


And then you start binge-watching Netflix


7.I swear I’m going to study.


Brain: You should nap.


8.I swear I’ll go out less.

Just kidding.

9.I swear I’ll do laundry more often.


*Buys new underwear*


10.I swear I’ll go to my morning class.


Mihan Davar

Waterloo '19

Mihan is an Arts and Business co-op student majoring in English Literature and Rhetoric. 
University of Waterloo Honours French and Business 2019, Her Campus Waterloo Campus Correspondent, Social Media Guru, Tech enthusiast.  Fluent in emoji, HTML and CSS. Avid reader of Refinery 29, Buzzfeed, Mashable & Tech Crunch. Follow on twitter @jena_tweets