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New Strategies to Set Up for The New Year

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Waterloo chapter.

There are always generic things to do at the end of the year to help set yourself up for success; except, these things sort of unravel at the beginning of the year when it gets busy, and I begin to be a bit frazzled. Here are 5 tips that will actually stick around in the new year and help you keep being the boss that you are.

1. Unconnect, reflect

Near the end of the year, I take one day to unplug completely. No TikTok, no phone, no iPad, no laptop. I find that I get really drained of the screens being a university student these days. I use this day to my advantage and take the opportunity to reflect on the year. I pull out the old paper and pencil and start jotting down everything that I have accomplished throughout the year. This then creates sort of a mind map by the end, and you’re able to see all that you’ve done. If the year wasn’t as successful, I take that into consideration while going into the next. 

2. Resolutions ≠ improvements

With this being said, I want to emphasize that resolutions do not equal improvements in my eyes. Resolutions are usually empty-sounding such as “I will go to the gym”, “I will be a better person”, or “I will drink more water”. We all probably know that we make these goals to help us feel better, but the follow-through is minimal. That’s why I want to introduce to you SMART goals. SMART goals are Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Time-bound. Ensuring that your goal matches this criterion, increases your probability of success substantially (at least in my experience).

3. Out with the old, in with the new

As Sharpay says, we must go “out with the old, in with the new, goodbye shades of gray, hello skies of blue”. That’s the motto for 2024! Every year I do a massive closet cleanout. What do I wear, what do I not need, and what can be given to someone who will use it more than me? I do closet cleanouts, makeup counter restarts (that 3-year-old concealer… might not be good anymore!), and a full clean-up of the space I’m living in. I want to start the new year on a clean but not entirely new palette. This clean-up creates more space for growth in the new year and helps us enter 2024 with a clear mind. 

4. Restart the body

LET’S GET GROOVY! As a student, the end of December feels like I finally made it to the end of the tunnel. Finals are finished, assignments are done, and clubs pause for a short moment before we return to the new term. I take this time to take care of myself and really indulge in self-care. I wear face masks more regularly, go out for walks with the family, and *try* to make it to the gym more often. I call this phase restarting the body because I’m repairing what the all-nighters from the past month did to my body, LOL. Speaking of which, I also try to get an 8-hour sleep each night during this time period. Think of it as clocking in overtime after you’ve been slacking for 30 days straight. This method will help you feel rejuvenated and ready to go into the new year. 

5. Make a 2024 playlist

Lastly, make a 2024 playlist! This will be your vibe for the new year, and you can play it to match your goals. If the goal is to have more of a relaxing year add jazz and rnb, if it is to ramp up then add pop and rock (?). I love having a new set of music because I am a chronic repeater of the same 10 songs every day. This music will guide you and motivate you to have the best of years.

Let’s all make 2024 amazing! See you next year <3.

Vanessa Duong

Waterloo '27

Hi there! My name is Vanessa and I'm in Health Sciences at the University of Waterloo. I love cooking, rambling, and am an advocate for mental wellbeing.