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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Waterloo chapter.

Once you reach the deep never-ending hole of book buying, you start to compile a list of authors who will forever and always make it onto your automatic buy list. I have amassed a large collection of books in my short 20 years on this earth, and I’m nowhere near finished. I’ve gone through the good, the bad, and the ugly when it comes to authors, and at this point in my life, I have narrowed down a list of authors that will be auto-buys from this point forward.

Starting off strong: Ali Hazelwood. I know this may be controversial since many people think that all her books are basically saying the same thing, but guess what, I agree; but that is not going to stop me. As a woman in STEM, I absolutely love her science-based romances and especially love the strong female main characters. She can write the same book 500 times, and I will buy it every single time. She recently released her new book “Check & Mate”, and I was there that day determined to get a copy. She has me wrapped around her finger, and I will give her all my money. She has two new books coming out in the new year — of course, another STEM romance but also a fantasy romance with a vampire and a werewolf. That is not really my thing, but it’s Ali Hazelwood, so I may just have to give it a shot.

My next author is Emily Henry. I read “Book Lovers”, “Beach Read”, and “People We Meet on Vacation” this summer, and I really enjoyed them. I have yet to purchase “Happy Place”, and that’s because I’m stubborn and want my collection to look the same, so I’m forcing myself to wait until it comes out in paperback (hopefully soon!!). Now, not all these books were 5-star reads for me, but they were fast-paced, and I really enjoyed that about them. I’m looking forward to her new book “Funny Story” in the new year, but I will probably have to wait for the paperback version of that as well.

Switching it up from romance, anything by Holly Jackson will be in my collection immediately. I was given “A Good Girl’s Guide to Murder” not long after it came out, and I was hooked! Pip and Ravi are amazing, and Holly kept me on my toes throughout the series. Just when I thought I caught on to where she was going, the book took a sharp turn. I always recommend this series to anyone who is starting to read more frequently or wants an alluring series. Her newest book “Five Survive” lived up to the expectations for me. I’m not sure if it is because I am scared of everything, even slight breezes, but she had me with that book. I was reading it in daylight and made sure I put it down before it got dark. Holly has a new book coming out in the new year called “The Reappearance of Rachel Price”, and I’m beyond excited!

Another mystery author that I have been loving over the last few years is Jennifer Lynn Barnes. “The Inheritance Games” is one of my favourite series, and she cannot produce books fast enough for me. I have loved each and every one of her books in this series, and I’m so excited about the one she is coming out with next year. I have yet to read her first series which is “The Naturals”, however, it is high up on my TBR. I really like her writing style and the fact that each book in “The Inheritance Games” series is over 300 pages.

Last but not least, I will mention a smaller author who has only released one book: Megan Clawson. I first saw Megan on TikTok where I came across one of her videos showing what life is like living in the Tower of London and what her dad does as a Yeoman Warder (Beefeater). I was immediately fascinated by her lifestyle, and when she said that she was releasing a book, I was hooked. She released “Falling Hard for the Royal Guard” this year, and for a first-time author, I was extremely impressed. I loved the book and am very eagerly waiting for her next book “Love at First Knight”!

Ayrial Peterson

Waterloo '25

Hi! I am in my third year of Biomedical Sciences at UWaterloo. I am an avid reader, as well as book collector, and I love hockey!