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Throwback Thursday

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Waterloo chapter.

Throwback to the week after fall reading week and snow. No matter what the weather, you will always find geese on campus to welcome everyone back from reading week.


As of 2020, Tianna is a UW alumn who graduated with her BSc in Honours Science, with a minor in Biology and a minor in Music. She can now be found either reading fiction novels, hanging out with friends over coffee or thinking about Christian theology. She continues to blog over at https://theselight-woventhings.blogspot.com/
University of Waterloo Honours French and Business 2019, Her Campus Waterloo Campus Correspondent, Social Media Guru, Tech enthusiast.  Fluent in emoji, HTML and CSS. Avid reader of Refinery 29, Buzzfeed, Mashable & Tech Crunch. Follow on twitter @jena_tweets