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The Ultimate Plant Guide for a Uni Student

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Waterloo chapter.

Whether it be on Instagram or shopping online at Urban Outfitters, everyone has started to buy trendy, cute plants they can place on their desks or even hang from the ceilings. The problem is, being a University student and having so little time to finish projects, study for exams, let alone find time to make yourself something other than Kraft Dinner can be tough – so finding time to properly take care of your plants is out of the question.

Below are some of the top plants recommended for Uni students to buy with their low maintenance requirements – and how to care for them in a few easy steps! 

1. Tropical Ferns

This plant survives best in homes/dorms with central heating and they thrive off of shady areas with partial sunlight so they’re easy to place anywhere!



Soil: make sure to keep the plant in a draining pot, so it doesn’t get waterlogged!

Light: partial light is good but never direct sunlight.

Water: Check to see if the water has saturated the pot by sticking your finger in halfway. If the earth feels dry – your plant needs more water! Every 3 days you should do a check.


2. Pincushion Cactus

This plant is really cool and all of your friends will want to touch it for fun – but getting your fingers unstuck from them can be difficult with their hooked ends! Perfect plant for the student who always forgets to water and it actually looks like a cute little pincushion.


Soil: regular potter’s soil

Light: lots of light, place it by a window!

Water: let the soil completely dry out before watering it again, this will help the cactus flower! In the winter it will only need to be watered once a month or every two months.


3. Snake Plant

This plant is perfect for a student because it can basically withstand no love, a drought and be overall forgotten and can still be revived! It is called a snake plant for the cool print that is super similar to a snake’s skin (gross but also pretty cool).


Soil: no need to repot this plant, leaving it in the same pot for longer is actually better – but make sure it is in a draining pot!

Light: Medium light is best, but this plant can withstand low light in case you live in the basement unit.

Water: Super important not to overwater because it will cause the plant to completely rot. With that being said, wait for the soil to get pretty dry before watering so around a week.


4. Hens & Chicks

For the ultimate instagrammer student, this plant is perfect for you. Urban Outfitters among many other trendy stores use these little rose-looking succulents as ornamental decorations. One of the best plants to decorate your dorm with! The name comes from the fact that little babies are produced from the mother plant.


Soil: regular potter’s soil, make sure to keep in draining pot so no rotting occurs!

Light: Medium sunlight

Water: dry marginally before watering – average watering would be once a week.


5. Aloe Vera

Best to put this plant out of anyone’s way due to the spikes on the sides of the leaves, but Aloe Vera plants you can actually break their leaves open and use the aloe for sunburns and other home remedies – best of both worlds when you’re on a student budget. You can tell your plant is healthy when the leaves get fat and squishy.


Soil: Draining pot is so important! Regular potting soil will be conducive.

Light: The most light you can, more light the better!

Water: Don’t drown your plant in water, water it every week and check the soil to see if it’s relatively dry. If dry give it a bit of water.


Happy Planting!


I'm a fourth year student at the University of Waterloo currently enrolled in the Global Business & Digital Arts program. I have a passion for UX, social media, writing, marketing and networking!