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The Ultimate Winter Cleanse

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Waterloo chapter.

Congratulations! You’ve survived finals week. We know you’re scarred and probably a little hurt, but Warriors never do anything without fighting a good battle. However, if 4:00 am has become your new bedtime and Ramen Noodles is your idea of a gourmet lunch, it may be time to try our Ultimate Winter Cleanse. So, put down the laptop and turn off the Netflix (don’t worry, Ross and Rachel won’t be available until 2015). Instead, challenge yourself over the break to try these 3 easy steps to feel fresh and rejuvenated for the new year:

1. Unplug

I don’t know about you, but my social media updates increase significantly during finals week. I can’t go a day without telling the world how I yearn sleep and loathe my textbooks. But now that it’s over, maybe your social media can have a little break too. Try to cut down on Facebook and Twitter. It is, after all, the holiday season. Instead of keeping updated on your friends and family through their Tweets and Instagram posts, message them and engage in the holiday spirit! A 14 day deactivation period may be all you need to get off your phone and laptop and take in a nice, cold whiff of fresh, Winter air. Whether its skating, an Ugly Christmas Sweater Party, or even coffee, face to face interaction helps take your mind off your cousin’s Miami Getaway and helps you remember all the fun you and your friends have when you’re together.

2. Drink Up

Save your phone’s battery juice, and drink a real one instead. After all of the Red Bull and Vodka you put in your system to help you stay awake (and calm) during final’s week, your insides are probably starting to get a little dehydrated. By increasing your water intake, you can start feeling re-energized in no time. Juices with apple, cucumber and other greens can help cleanse and eliminate the toxins present in your body. A warm cup of herbal tea can also give you the same effect and help you stay warm and calm on a cold, winter day. Staying hydrated will also help with the hangovers that will come and go during the break. Quick tip: Following Step 1 in the Ultimate Winter Cleanse will avoid any mishaps of your colleagues and friends tagging you in embarrassing photos at your work’s holiday party. Remember to drink responsibly!

3.  Sweat It Out

Now that you have regained the energy, it’s time to burn some calories! Get a head start on your New Year’s Resolution by hitting the gym. Holiday cookies slowing you down? Try something different. Hot Yoga is the new craze now a days and can get you sweating within minutes. Fitness classes are also a great chance to bond with your friends and family. Grab a partner and join a zumba class or go skating. For a more challenging workout, try pole-dancing! The trick is to get moving. You will release endorphins, pump up your adrenaline, and not to mention – your New Year Eve’s dress will fit even better! What more motivation do you need?! Of course, don’t let this take you away from your mom’s special holiday stuffing! Working out allows you to enjoy the foods that you love without any regret. (Take it from us!)  

There you have it, Warriors: The Ultimate Winter Cleanse! Try it today and don’t forget to tell us how it went! Now, as we sign off to be with our family and friends, we encourage you to be with yours too. Have a happy holiday, readers– we’ll see you back in the New Year!

Tasnia is currently a student at the University of Waterloo in the Honours Rhetoric and Professional Writing Coop Program. With an interest in journalism and the communication industry, her passions include reading, writing, and watching commercials on YouTube. Follow her on twitter @tasnia_n! 
I'm a fourth year student at the University of Waterloo currently enrolled in the Global Business & Digital Arts program. I have a passion for UX, social media, writing, marketing and networking!