Now that exams are done and everyone’s ready to head into the summer break (stress-free!), it’s the perfect time to create a bucket list to inspire the rest of your summer plans! Although many students have jobs these days (which can make it difficult to spend time with friends) you can still find time here and there to make the most out of your summer vacation. Bucket lists have been an awesome trend for the past few years as they’re, fun to make, goal-oriented, spontaneous in action, and you can do it with your BFF. Here’s what every girl should have on her bucket-list for this summer, in no specific order:
Get a job (if you don’t already have one). A girl’s gotta have money to fund her adventures and wishlists.
Meet up with old friends and reconnect. Especially those high school friends who you haven’t talked to much since your university life started.
- Get back into shape. University life is crazy busy so your workout schedule may have suffered, plus you probably had a limited variety of healthy foods and had to dedicate most of your time to studying – but summer’s the time to eat healthy again and get back into exercising!
Plan a squad adventure. This ties back with #2. Plan a trip to a place that your friends have always wanted to visit and make it happen. It could be the highlight of your whole break, plus you’ll have an excuse to take lots of pictures!
Read ten books. It sounds funny, but truth is I’m sure a lot of us don’t read a lot anymore – outside of mandatory readings for school. Now’s the time when you can get started on a new series of books and let your imagination run wild! Lay on a hammock in the sun, or get cozy on your back deck and enjoy.
Start a new hobby. It could be anything. I played the piano before university and I plan to get back into music. You could use the next four months to learn a new instrument, start a new project for your professional portfolio, or even commit to exploring the area around you.
Save $1000. It does seem like a lot of work but if you start saving now, and continuously save bits and pieces here and there throughout the summer, you can save $1000 in the long-run that can be for emergency use, tuition or living expenses.
Make some DIY treats. If you like eating popsicles, why not try making your own this summer? You can use frozen fruit to make them healthier and it’ll be a really fun and tasty activity to do with squad!
Make matching tie-dye shirts (or muscle tees or crop tops). Grab a friend or two, some tie dye and some old clothes. Now work together to create fun tie-dyed clothes, so that you can twin with them during the summer at the beach or a slumber party!
Go one week without technology. This one might be harder than the rest, but definitely give it a try. After all, can YOU survive a week without your phone, laptop and other devices you constantly depend on? Try it!
Alright those are all the ideas I have for Summer 2017, feel free to comment your own. Have a great summer Warriors!