So, you’re doing homework with some friends, stressing about midterms, and suddenly your friend says “I can’t wait for Halloween on Thursday!” This thursday! How could I have forgotten? And then it dawns on you: you are NOT ready for Halloween this year. You have no idea what you’re going to dress up as, or what you’re going to do! You have no Halloween Spirit.
If this is you, here are 5 things that you can do that will help you get into the Halloween spirit!
1. Make a Halloween Basket for a Friend!
Go out on an adventure and put together a super spooky Halloween basket for a friend. Going out and putting together a creative package for a friend is a HUGE mood elevator! Buy some super fun candy, add a fun decoration or Halloween themed stuffed animal, write them a little note, and put it all in a nice basket. They will surely be surprised to get a Halloween treat without having to say “Trick-or-Treat!” Finding fun Halloween themed gifts to put into a basket is a great way to get excited for Halloween.
2. Go Ghost Hunting
There are so many places that are said to be haunted and they aren’t too hard to find. Find a friend and take a fun trip to a haunted place near you. Maybe try taking some photos to see if any orbs will appear, or make an attempt to communicate directly with the ghost. Even if nothing happens, you’ll certainly feel spooked just by the notion!
3. Write a Scary Short Story
It doesn’t matter if you’re writing for yourself or for a Halloween writing contest, writing a short horror story is sure to get your Halloween excitement elevated! Get in touch with your inner R.L. Stine and jot down a ghost story. It doesn’t have to be perfect, just filling your mind with ghosts and supernatural spooks is enough to get the Halloween mood flowing.
4. Buy yourself a pumpkin
Consider taking some time to visit a roadside stand and buying a pumpkin for your dorm. Not only will a pumpkin provide vibrant decor, but it’s also a great point of creative inspiration! A classic Halloween go-to is carving or painting a pumpkin, and by buying a pumpkin, you’ve already started the process! By seeing a plain pumpkin hanging around, you’re bound to do something creative with it eventually! Carving some spooky design into a pumpkin will automatically give you Halloween jitters!
5. Take a trip to Target!
During any holiday, Target has aisles and aisles of themed trinkets! During the Halloween season, you can find all sorts of decorations and costumes that range from super scary to adorably spooky! Whatever you fancy, you will probably find at Target. And even in you’re a broke college student, you can still browse and appreciate the variety. I always find that walking through the holiday aisles at Target makes me so excited, and it also provides inspiration to go home and make my own cute decoration. I guarantee that a Target trip will fuel your Halloween excitement, and fill you with encouragement to make a costume or a cute decoration!
There they are, 5 ideas of how to get yourself into the Halloween spirit! Get spooked, and Happy Halloween!