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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Wells chapter.

Pale epidermis,

Lightning, tiger stripes

Deep and dark as caverns.


War wounds I flash.

Marks to show I’ve changed-



But they see me and

Complain for me to

Pull down my shirt.


Cover the fact that

I love the me

In this skin sack.


I love my outer layer,

The way my body moves,

How my figure looks in the mirror.


Show off what your momma gave you

But mine prefers I cover up,

Don’t let people see the stretch marks.


I could care less.

Fight me.

Turn away.


Just know that my stomach is here to stay.


My name is Parker Howell. I love to spend my time writing (mostly poetry) and cuddling with my cat when he's not biting me. I'm majoring in Creative Writing at Wells College so writing is a major influence in my life. I love cacti, corgis, and chai tea.
Wells Womxn