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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at WesCo chapter.

I know we all want to take care of our skin, but let’s face it – the skincare industry is just as bad as the makeup industry. Both of these industries are built to feed off of and create new insecurities in women and make a profit off of them. I can’t count how many times I’ve watched a Youtuber in her early 30’s AT OLDEST pull out ten products for her “nightly skincare routine.” The industry has 25 year olds convinced that they need wrinkle cream when they don’t have any yet. They have 15 year olds thinking they need serums for their under eye areas. With the rhetoric of “you should start using this product before you ever get wrinkles” is predatory and completely wrong. 


I’m gonna skip the lecture about believing having things like wrinkles, dark spots, and acne is a bad thing. You don’t need that from me. But I AM going to tell you that this is all a scam! Stop listening to companies tell you that you need things – you don’t need them. A face wash, toner, and moisturizer is ALL you need. Worry about issues like wrinkles and aging when you get there. Stop trying to beat mother nature to the punch – all you’re doing is giving corporations your money.


Not to mention that Youtubers who encourage this type of product use are often paid to promote these products – their interest and liking of the products isn’t genuine, it’ll be something else next week. So before you go jumping on Sephora to buy the latest $70 Drunk Elephant moisturizer because Tati Westbrook told you to – think about how much these beauty gurus’ skincare “change.” Yeah. No one changes that shit THAT often. 


Long story short – listen to your skin about what it needs, not companies or Youtubers. It will thank you.

Meagan Speich is a writer & senior editor for WesCo HerCampus. She has an English major and minors in Religious Studies. When not writing, she can be found reading, sleeping, or eating, and finds it unfortunate that she can't do all at once.