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The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at West Chester chapter.

In college, it is clear that most students dread the forbidden 8am class. Nobody wants to wake up that early. It is too cold and dark in the morning. Nobody seems fully awake during the class which makes it hard to focus or participate. Despite all of these collective feelings regarding the morning, I love waking up early. I believe 8am classes are super important and freeing. This is due to the complete isolation I get from most students when it is that early. Like I said before, most college students won’t wake up before 10am, so at 7:30am when I am traveling to my class, I have the sidewalks all to myself. The air is still crisp and full of the morning dew. I am not stuck behind those who hog up the sidewalks or walk slowly. I have my headphones on, blasting uplifting morning tunes, while I walk at a comfortable pace all by myself. Being the “early-bird” roommate means so much to me. 

girl blinds sun happy bracelets smiling
Charlotte Reader / Her Campus

When I wake up around 6am, I get to open my eyes to the rising sun. The sun shines through my blinds creating a pattern of orange glowing light shown on my walls. This is something I look forward to daily that none of my roommates get to experience. Since I wake up first, I get to have the room all to myself. I don’t have to wait to get ready in the morning or feel bad for hogging up the bathroom mirror while doing my hair. Along with that, the breakfast food places have minimal lines, which means I can get my breakfast and coffee quickly. Going to WCU’s Recreation Center in the morning is also top tier. There are minimal lines for equipment and I get to work out in peace. 

Waking up early is a rejuvenating experience in which I get to set aside time to envision how I want my day to look. I create a morning routine that is carefully curated. This routine is filled with typical tasks such as brushing my teeth and washing my face, but I also meditate and take time to set a tone for the day. I stay away from my phone if I can, and embrace the day. I watch the sunrise in my warm pajamas. One thing that I look forward to daily are my morning stretches. These stretches are nothing fancy, I move my body in ways that shake the slumber off of my limbs.  

Waking up in the morning is truly freeing. I get to relax, reset, and get ready for the day leisurely. I think that waking up early and experiencing the morning ambience is something that everyone should try at least once. If you do end up trying it, try to wake up with the intention to start the day in the right direction. When you wake up early, there is no need to rush, which is the most freeing feeling. When you wake up rushing, it can cause a stressed and tense mood that can carry through the entire day. Waking up early is rejuvenating.

Shannon Byrnes

West Chester '26

Hi, my name is Shannon Byrnes, and a writer for Her Campus at West Chester University. I am a Communication major with minors in Professional and Technical Writing and Digital Marketing. I am currently a junior at West Chester University and love house plants and going on nature walks. My goal is to educate, inspire, and enrich the WCUPA community. Through my writing, I share my own experiences as a woman attending college.