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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at West Chester chapter.

As the semester is rounding the corner, there are many ways to get back into your usual routine. Although “sylly” week is fun and games, that isn’t the reality of the entire school year. So… what should you really think about when you’re trying to get back into this new academic year?

Practicing your morning routine

Getting up early and being productive is much easier said than done. Scheduling and even potentially practicing your morning routine will make the first few weeks a lot easier. The night before you have a busy day, plan exactly what you want to accomplish in the morning and what time; whether that is getting up and doing homework or simply grabbing a bite before heading out the door. Once you figure this out, get up early a few days before school to “practice” your routine. As cheesy as it may sound, practice makes perfect.

organize your space

The cleaner your surrounding space is, the cleaner your mind will be. Before the year starts, it would be a good idea to set up your desk, organize your room for the year, and set certain things aside (notebooks, pencils, pens). Once again, this is a lot easier said than done. However, once you accomplish this, it’ll be a lot easier to sit down at your desk and actually get work done. If your desk is cluttered and filled with distractions, it will be a lot harder to accomplish any work.


Remember when you were in first grade and your mom would lay out your outfit and pack your bags before your big first day of school? Well, think of that again. Your morning will be a lot smoother if you don’t have to make a decision about what you’re wearing, find your books and bag, and scramble out the door. Lay out your clothes the night before, pack your backpack, and fill your water bottle. This will save you at least 10 minutes of the morning. 

look at your schedule

Finally, once you have done everything to prepare for class, it is important to find out where you are actually going and when. Not only this but finding the physical classes will save you a lot of stress. A lot of classrooms aren’t cut clear on exactly where they are. This way, if you’re running late in the morning and have already looked at your schedule and found the room, you won’t have to stress about walking in late or not finding the room at all!

Starting off the year on a good note will make for a fantastic semester! There are a lot of ways to get back into the school grind; whether that is simply cleaning your desk or physically walking to your classrooms. Although these tasks may seem simple, completing all of them will make your morning and life a lot smoother!

Macarthy Keane

West Chester '26

Gymnast at West Chester University Writer for Her Campus at WCU