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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at West Chester chapter.

With finals rounding the corner, school is about to get overwhelming. However, there are a lot of ways to combat these feelings and anxieties. By starting to prepare now, you can get ahead and ace all your exams!

creating a game plan

With as many as 5-6 exams at once, trying to study all the information can seem almost impossible. Whether this is a mental or physical game plan, studying with intention and a goal can make all the difference in your organization. For example, even if it’s just as little as 10 minutes, start purposely blocking out time for certain subjects. Study a few a day, while finishing your other subjects the next day. Always go into the week with an idea of what you’re going to do to prepare. The more you practice this now, the easier it will be the week before finals!

Getting some Sleep!

This is the time of year when students start cramming studying in, and as a result, don’t pay attention to the amount of sleep they’re getting. College students should be getting a minimum of 7-9 hours of sleep. However, the harsh reality is that not many students are actually getting these numbers. At a certain point, you need to put the books away and try to fall asleep as best you can. Set an alarm to retire for the night, whether that is 11 pm or 1 am. At some point, enough is enough! 

finding a good study spot

Sometimes, finding the right place to study changes your entire routine and study habits. If you are trying to study where you cannot focus, it is going to be impossible to get anything done. Study in the environment you best thrive in. If you tend to study better in a group, find a few study buddies to help you get through this process! If you study alone, be sure to isolate yourself when doing your work. Do this as much as possible to absorb all the information you can!

study methods

Don’t be afraid to use multiple study methods! If one isn’t working out for you, move one and find a new one. There isn’t much time to waste on a method that doesn’t work for you. There are plenty of study methods to choose from, for example, Quizlet, rewriting your notes, listening to a lecture all over again (if the professor provides a video), re-reading the textbook, spaced practice, and so much more. Prioritize the methods that help you the best!

avoiding procrastination

Although a lot easier than said, avoid procrastination before it starts. Sometimes, the hardest part is just starting. An assignment or even just studying can seem very intimidating, making you not want to do it even more. By just looking over the assignment or doing what you can for 5 minutes will make whatever it is seem that much easier.

Even though finals are a little over a month away, starting some of these practices will make your December so much easier. There are so many ways to start preparing now!

Macarthy Keane

West Chester '26

Gymnast at West Chester University Writer for Her Campus at WCU