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Stop Overthinking! The Importance Of Staying Present

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at West Chester chapter.

Do you ever find yourself thinking about the past? What could happen in the future? Overthinking things you’ve done recently? Or have you ever heard of the saying “live in the moment?” A lot of times, I think we find ourselves going over everything we’ve said/done in the past few days. I know I’m a victim of thinking about the past, how my current actions affect my future, and thinking of just about everything besides what is happening right now. Living in the present is crucial to our happiness and success. 

Staying focused in the moment will help us stay grounded and appreciate the beauty of everything happening around us. As college students, we are always running around and thinking of everything that is coming. It can be so easy to get caught up in the hustle and lose sight of how we are currently feeling. Instead of thinking about what could have been or what will happen, we lose focus on what’s happening now. When we are grounded and focused on the moment we are currently in, we are more in tune with our feelings and actions. We can take a moment to step back and think about our feelings and connect with those around us. 

There are so many ways to be in the present moment. When we think about the past, oftentimes, we are no longer in control of what happened. In everyday college life, you must control the controllables. You can only change what is in your control. Yesterday is yesterday, and today is today. You can’t return to the past and change how something played out. Instead, focus on what you are reacting to and what you can do to better regulate your emotions. For example, I often worry about an exam and what I put in compared to my friends. Was their answer better? Should I have studied more or put something different? Rather than focusing on what I already wrote, I try to remind myself that I did the best I could, and there is no changing my answers now. 

Being present has so many positive benefits. You can build stronger relationships by focusing more on your connection, reduce stress by not thinking about what you can’t control, improve overall mental health, better regulate your emotions by staying grounded, and gain confidence by getting to know yourself better by being more in tune with how you react to certain things. We can build good habits for our well-being and have more self-awareness. Be aware of now and speak nicely to yourself. 

Living in the moment can improve relationships, reduce stress, boost self-appreciation, and help manage anxiety. Even though sometimes it’s easier said than done, appreciate the beauty of everything happening around you now. Stop dwelling on the past, and be present in the moment!

Macarthy Keane

West Chester '26

Gymnast at West Chester University Writer for Her Campus at WCU